Times of Change 🐍

I have been in a phase of change for the last few months and I am grateful for all the forces that are working together to lead me into a new direction.

I feel myself energetically withdrawing from a place that I have called home for some years now, which has been challenging.

I know that many of you are experiencing times of change as well.

So much is involved in transitions, a lot of letting go is required, there is the fear of losing something, the fear of the unknown, what if the new ideas are not working out, what if I change my mind again…

Sometimes we hold on to the old, because it has been serving us well for a period of time and we don’t want to admit that what we need now is different.

It is possible that we identify with the old version of ourselves up to a point where even the painful and disempowered circumstances may be hard to let go of. So much so that we find ourselves attached to the pain or addicted to the drama.

There is a saying that goes a bit like this:

If you are used to chaos, peace can be unsettling. (Thanks James Roland Jayaji for sharing this with us)

What is asked for in these times of the “new wanting to come in”, is to observe ourselves when we fall back into old patterns leading to a contraction of our energy.

Behind every “holding on” is the energy of fear. Be compassionate with the part of you that is in fear and let this compassionate You guide yourself gently into the new direction of expansion.

Not everyone close to you will understand the steps that you take, so don’t expect them to.

They will come around…

Know that you’ve got this!

It might not all turn out how you have imagined it, but it will certainly be perfect.

A big Yihuuuuuuu!!!! to change and the magic that awaits us ⭐️