Message from Mother Earth ⭐️

I am Mother Earth and I am a Multidimensional Being currently in the process of shifting into a higher dimension.

You are part of me and you came here on an assignment to support me with this transition. Whilst I am going through change, you are doing the same as an individual and in the collective.

Layers after layers are uncovered as we speak.

You are the ones who receive and anchor higher frequencies here and are the catalyst for our Change.

That means that suppressed energies that have been hidden are now being unearthed and times here on this planet seem chaotic, your lives might be unsettled and old structures are crumbling - a necessary cosmic purge.

But know that my transition is almost complete and so is yours. So please don’t look back, be here now with the energies that are present in this moment.

A completed shift does not mean that old heavy energies will have disappeared.

War, struggle, dysfunction will continue for a while, but in a dimension that you won’t be part of or have access to anymore.

But only…. if you chose not to be part of it.

I want to remind you of your own free will. Make use of it. There are many who talk about dark forces trying to take control of Earth and this might be so. But please don’t make this your reality as you will end up in fear and contraction of energy meaning you actually feed those darker forces.

Please stay present dear child and grow your roots deep into my core. You have come here to experience duality and through that create a new all encompassing consciousness.

There are those who chose to remain in the old and there is no judgement towards them. Their soul has chosen a different path.

And that is why I invite you All to join me on this adventure that is the New Era…. with love and care one step at the time. Abundant guidance for this shift is here for you if you open yourself to it.

Thank you for your presence. I love you ⭐️