New Beginnings ✨

Family of Light ✨

One step at the time….

This is a little reminder not to set yourself up for failure. Take little steps and know that a new start is always an option in each and every moment.

Falling off the wagon or losing our way is part of the journey. If this happens try not to judge yourself, but rather find love for the part of you, that has fallen back into old patterns , hold yourself in this and know there is always another chance.

Have compassion with yourself and celebrate your little successes rather than focusing on the “failures”

And if you feel stuck right now and can’t imagine how to get out of it, know that this too shall pass.

Surrender to the stuckness and embrace the standstill. Resistance will only cause you to sink deeper into the mud. If you can relax into this “not knowing what is next”, then things will start to shift as if by magic.

Make peace with your supposed “wrongdoings” of the last year. Find forgiveness for yourself. If you hurt another then it is never too late to make amends. We hurt others out of our own pain and they will understand that on one level, although not necessarily on the human level.

Take little steps with awareness and grace and you will find that you are actually taking big leaps.

Be patient dearest One and treat yourself with great care. We have all been through a lot. Gently we are treading on this New Earth, figuring out who we are in this new dimension and honouring who walks by our side.

We are emerging, finding our feet, discovering our wings and speaking our truth.

We are the Family of Light ✨