Souls on Earth 🌟

Some of us have had many life times on Earth, some have had many life times as Star Beings before coming here and some of us came directly from Source, they are called the First Timers.

Those who don’t have much experience on this planet go through an imprinting process before incarnation by drawing information, memories and emotions from the Akashic records of lives that have been lived before on Earth.

This is necessary so that one who comes here has a frame work in which to operate, to know the customs, the way to interact etc.

Also without imprints the soul would not be able to deal with the denser energies here on Earth.

However those without previous experience on this planet struggle with a feeling of not belonging and a detachment from this realm. They find it difficult to deal with emotions such as anger and fear as those are new to them and often they experience loneliness as they can’t relate to life on Earth and humans.

I have discovered the teachings of Dolores Cannon last year, who talks about this in her books ” Three Waves of Volunteers” “Keepers of the Garden” etc.

There is a galactic effort to help Earth at this time and there are many souls amongst us who volunteered to do so. According to Dolores Cannon there are three waves of these new souls living on Earth right now.

“The purpose of the three waves is two-fold: One is to change the energy of the Earth so it can avoid catastrophe and Two to help raise the energy of the people so they can ascend with the Earth into the next dimension.”

The volunteers also experience ignorance at the time of incarnation, forget their mission and all that is left is a secret longing…

I resonate with being of the second wave and connecting with this idea has helped me a lot to understand my purpose and mission here.

What makes me most excited and happy is to meet other Volunteers. So a big thank you to those Souls who came here to help.

“The train is leaving the station. It is taking us to a great adventure that has never been experienced on this scale before. It is up to each individual wether they get onboard or remain standing on the platform. The volunteers who have fulfilled their purpose are ready to go “home” All aboard! And remember you are never alone” - Dolores Cannon

Romance and what it brings up 🌙

I have been separated from my husband for three years now and have kept myself to myself since… more or less…

Opening my heart to someone romantically is scary for me and I am very cautious to engage with another in this way.

But then what I wish for the most is a strong male presence in my life, a soul mate, a companion with whom I can travel this Universe.

A beautiful angel recently opened my heart. Someone totally unexpected and surprising.

Finally there they were the butterflies in my belly and Oh how much I love this feeling.

This magical energy that carries One so beautifully through the day and makes everything just a little shinier…

But then it only took a little situation, where I felt let down by this angel and that made me realise how much I expected from a potential partner, how much I am craving for someone who is reliable, who deeply cares, who looks out for me representing the protective arms of the masculine that hold me and help me to trust fully.

I feel that all of my expectations and wishes right now would be difficult for anyone to hold space for and let alone meet.

The beautiful angel that opened my heart was most likely sent just for that, to give me a little taste of the beauty of romantic love.

However there is a deep fear of being hurt again so I find myself withdrawing energetically. Opening myself to someone to simply play would not serve me I believe. I am romantic and very loyal and my soul can’t relate to the concept of fluttering from one flower to the next...

So I will keep to myself for a little longer and I trust that Great Spirit will send just the right person when I am ready.

Thank you for this teaching.

May the doors of my heart be left open 💗

Your Ancestors and the importance of Ancestral Healing 🌟

Your connection to your mother and father manifests as one link in a long chain of ancestral karma that stretches back through time.

This link to your family allows you to be born into that specific line and needs to be understood and respected.

Remembering and honouring our ancestors is a practice that will help us to live a healthy, happy and empowered life.

We might find it easy to pray for a beloved ancestor of whom we have fond memories, but it can be difficult to pray for someone who has caused harm to either directly ourselves or a family member. We might have been told stories about their negative impact on the family and a lot of resentment is still held towards them.

Of course we have the right not to honour those ancestors. However their impact on the ancestral line will be undeniable, discordant energies will pass though the entire line backwards and going forward.

Therefore I urge everyone to find forgiveness and love in their hearts for those who have done wrong. If you keep holding resentment healing of this ancestral line will not be possible and the ancestral Karma will be carried through to your children and beyond.

The key is to forgive to bring healing to yourself. Ancestors who have done wrong in life will seek light and prayer from you, wanting forgiveness and they offer their help now. They want to support you by sharing their blessings and their wisdom, because they have transitioned through “the light of understanding” and have come to realize their mistakes.

Let’s pray for the deceased, for ourselves and for generations to come so that we can alleviate as many dysfunctional and abusive patterns as possible, so that they will end and no longer plague any member of the family line, directly or indirectly.

You hold the keys for healing yourself, your family and the whole of humanity, one ancestor at the time. Let go of the pain, hurt and resentment as it is not serving anyone.

Your ancestors love you and the greatest joy you can bring them is to fully step into your power, share your gifts and talents, tread with love, gratitude and respect on your Mother Earth, protected by the arms of Father Sky and celebrate life.

Let’s show up fully 🔥

I trust that you had a beautiful transition into this year of 2022 that holds the promise of true magic. What is required from us however is to show up fully.

Many of us are holding back from showing and expressing our true potential due to self doubt, shame, guilt, resentment and the fear of being seen. This is the result of lifetimes of conditioning, suppression, the genetic memory of one’s life being threatened when magic is openly shared.

There are still a lot of us who are dimming their light in order to fit in, but what are we afraid of?

This is not a time to hold back anymore. This is a time to speak up, to stand up for what we believe in, to sing the songs that our ancestors sang and dance the dances they taught us.

The act of giving back through dance, song, prayer and sacred offerings to our Mother Earth, Grandfather Fire, our Ancestors, the Goddess and to Great Spirit is probably one of the most powerful practices that I know.

It helps us to cultivate an attitude of gratitude, to not take things for granted, to realise that all life and all beings are sacred.

When we look at a beautiful flower with admiration, this flower will flourish and bloom

When we lean at a tree for support, the tree will stand a little taller

When we blow kisses into the wind and activate our offerings with our breath, then spirit is all around us

When we pray to the sun he will shine brighter to keep us warm and send us loving life force energy

When we dive into the waters with intention she will sing her songs to us and remind us of the constant flow of energy and the living waters of our womb

When we leave sacred tabaco, flowers, seeds and chocolate at places in nature our ancestors know that we remember them and the essence of our undying soul

Nothing is separate from us. Let’s live in a symbiotic relationship with all of creation.

Be generous with yourself and honour yourself, only then will you be able to be generous with and honour others.

Let’s make giving back and sharing offerings into a regular daily practice.

Thank you for your guidance Great Spirit. We understand that it is up to us now. We have the responsibility to anchor the energies of the New Earth and be Beacons of Light. And we shall do this with love, reverence, humility and gratitude in our hearts.

And so it is, and so it shall be 🌟

Big gratitude to all the magical teachers in my life who are teaching me about reciprocity and sacred prayer.

And always remember… You are loved beyond your wildest imagination ❤️

The Super Powers of Human Beings 🔥

The unique gift of being human is to hold many different energies and to be able to bring even opposing energies into harmony. By accepting the shadow parts of ourselves we allow fear to transform into joy - a way of unification through acceptance which is true spiritual alchemy.

Humans experience all energies from the brightest to the darkest, can switch between those and even transform denser into lighter energies.

This ability is unique to Humans and means that souls that incarnated into human form have unlimited possibilities of creating, experiencing and of bridging energies.

Humans hold the energies of a murderer as well as of a healer and any expression in between. What we choose to express and live out is our choice and a step in the evolution of our soul.

Some Humans are very much lead by Ego Consciousness, others are moving into the heart, some have fully made the shift into Heart Consciousness and are holding loving space, observing with compassion without being caught up in the drama.

All stages in this development are perfect as they are and those who are still in fear, concerned with power and caught up in ego based structures are entitled to this experience. It’s a natural process that we have all gone through at some point.

So rather than concerning yourself with what you feel is wrong or should change, focus on YOU and what you want to embody and bring forth. What choices do you make in each and every moment out of those unlimited possibilities that are available to you.

Being Human can be challenging, but at the same time you have access to experiences, choices and expansion that possibly no other Being in the entire Universe has. It is a privilege to be on this planet in Human form right now.

So how will you use this gift and your Super Powers? ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️

Re-birth the Christ within you ⭐️

“It has taken a long time before Christ Consciousness could really set foot on this Earth. But now the time has come. And I have returned and speak through many, through all and to everyone who wants to hear me. I do not preach and I do not judge. I am part of a much larger consciousnes, a greater entity, but I Jeshua, I am the incarnated part of that entity.

The Christ energy that I came to offer you stems from a collective energy beyond dualiy, which understands All as a manifestation of divine energy.

The heart of Christ embraces the whole spectacle with deeply felt compassion for it recognises all aspects of experiences as those it has gone through itself.

Jesus was an energy from the future that came to Earth to bring illumination and knowledge to humanity, to create an opening to a different state of consciousness so humans could be reminded of their own divine origin.

This light brings clarity and awareness to the invisible structures of thought that shape your life. Where light enters a reality, if breaks bonds of mere power and authority. It holds the misuse of power up to the light.

By virtue of law of duality the powerful infusion of light creates a powerful reaction from the dark. Thus Jesus’ coming to Earth also initiated much struggle and violence as a counter reaction to the light.

Jesus penetrated the reality of the Earth like a comet as a kind of emergency measure from the spheres of light, that were deeply concerned with Earth.

By the coming of Jesus to Earth a seed of Christ Consciousness was planted and the light worker souls were awakened.”

- The Lightworker Series (part of the Jeshua Channelings) by Pamela Kribbe

And you are one of them. Let go of the idea of right or wrong and trust your own divine guidance.

The purpose of your life is to bring “Home” to Earth. One day every single one of us will go back to source. But for now let’s enjoy this magnificent planet, because it truly is magical.

When you are able to hold this consciousness of Oneness, Love, Gratitude, Presence, Grace, Joy and Forgiveness in an environment that is still in transition from Ego to the Heart, then you are the teacher that you are meant to be.

Festive Greetings beautiful Soul. Shine bright 💗

The frightened child that is our Society

The old societal structures and fear based systems are a part of you that want to be re-integrated - find compassion for them, for yourself and for each other.

Currently more than ever we are dividing ourselves by making choices to either be a slave to the old structures or an opponent.

But by doing this we are operating very much within duality. So rather than entering into the struggles and drama that are playing out in society, receive them with a sense of peace.

Your true role is to be a teacher of the new consciousness, a teacher of love. Love has no opposite. It is a third consciousness that goes far beyond duality.

You teach from the heart, following the truth within and you fully accept that your teachings might be misunderstood and not yet received. Being a teacher of love means that you are not coming from a place of trying to fix things, because that would imply that you are in judgment, thinking you know better.

If you consider your shadows and fragmented soul parts it helps to imagine them as neglected children that want to be brought home. You can do the same with society. Think of the old systems and find there the face of a child. If you look deeply you can see a lost child imprisoned in the aggressive male structures of traditional society.

This child has become alienated and separated from its own heart. He longs for his mother and at the same time resists, wants to be in control, wants to rule the world with his mind, with his ego.

Right now he is desperate and ready to change. Reach out to see what this child needs. The energy you carry within will heal him. He is part of you and by loving him unconditionally you can redefine your own male energy. Feel it’s natural strength, it’s perseverance, it’s power to express and manifest. This will help to bring back harmony within you and the collective.

You need the male energy to bring your light into the world, so make peace with it.

“Be clear, be visible to others, dare to speak up. Your spiritual feminine energy is about connecting with others, and your male energy is there to protect you when needed and disconnect when it is necessary. Use both.

Be IN the world but not OF the world, always find truth within and be ready and available to share it with others.”

Post inspired by “The Christ within” by Pamela Kribbe

Photo by Tamara Josephine 🙏

The new children 🌸

Every generation comes to this planet with a higher vibration than the one before and they also bring very little Karma with them according to channeled Beings.

The new children (which started arriving in the mid 70s as the first Indigo children) are highly sensitive, often struggle in mainstream school systems as they are misunderstood, wrongly diagnosed with ADHD etc. That can lead to them shutting down, escapism, trying to conform with the societal norms and being deeply unhappy because of that.

I am sure many of us can relate.

The generations before us have been our way showers, forerunners and have made it a little easier for us to be authentically ourselves.

Children who are born in these current times come with an altered DNA that already carries the consciousness of the New Earth.

I believe that it is our job to make them feel welcome on this planet, to show them how beautiful it is here, to create a safe environment for them to thrive.

Arriving on Earth with their super high vibration can be difficult and there might be a yearning in them to return back “home” to Source immediately.

Most of us feel this yearning at times especially when things get messy here…

No matter how old we are our inner children need the same attention and care. Check in with them regularly. What do they need to feel safe, free and joyful. This will lead to you feeling the same way and only then can you bring your unique frequency through.

This post is dedicated to to all mothers who are the portal for the new children to arrive here on Earth. These children ARE the New Earth and our greatest teachers. If you have friends with young children support them where you can.

Let’s ground in and anchor the energies of the New Earth by creating safe containers for our children physically, energetically and emotionally. They need us to be centred, grounded and present carrying the energies of love, gratitude, presence and humility.

Courageous measures are asked for such as moving out of big cities to remove yourselves from the collective field of fear. There is possibly nothing more important now than caring for these beautiful Earth Angels.

Let go of the old belief systems around how you should live your life as they are outdated representations of the Old Earth.

We can do this! 💗

The absent father 🔥

The death of my father a few weeks ago has allowed me to go deeply into my wounding around the sacred masculine, the lack of fathering I experienced, the grief around not feeling protective arms around me.

For many of us our fathers have been somewhat absent, physically or emotionally or both.

Things have been changing for some time now, but traditionally the fathers were away from the families, out to earn money to provide. And even if that was not the case often fathers did not allow themselves or knew how to show their emotions, how to be present with their children.

My father for example was often impatient and aggressive. I now have the understanding that this was rooted in a deep lack of self worth and insecurity. He himself was never seen or loved by his own father and therefore never learned to show love and appreciation to his children, to me and my two brothers.

It has affected me deeply, but I feel, that those who identify more with the masculine, are in a male body this life time are affected much more significantly by those absent, emotionally immature fathers.

Both of my brothers have struggled with self love and self worth over the years leading to addiction and disability in my oldest brother.

Following a lot of work around this wounding over the years and the death of my father I had the opportunity to release grief from many lifetimes around this wounding for myself and on behalf of the collective in a ceremony last week.

There is a long line of fathers in possibly most ancestral lines that have not experienced love by their own fathers resulting in a lack of self worth, which then often is passed on to especially their own sons. This is why I feel the masculine energies today are distorted in many of us. Many men don’t seem to be able to match the strong women, that have somewhat had a slight advantage through the rising of the sacred feminine over the last decades.

What I learned is to connect first of all with the father inside of me, to respect my individuality, let myself be guided and cared for by these masculine forces, the primal energy of the cosmic father.

This is an energy of protection, strength, wisdom and overview, which is always available to us. It can be helpful to have a male guide you work with who represents these energies.

All healing is alchemy and all of us have the powers to bring about a new consciousness in this world. Let’s forgive our absent fathers, heal our own distorted masculine, learn to father ourselves and be a role model for our children.

We are the seed for this renewal.

And may all fathers know that they are loved

And may all brothers know that they are strong

And may all sons know that they are worthy

So the sacred fire may burn on ✨🔥❤️

Ancestral Healing 🔥

There is possibly nothing more powerful than remembering and praying for our ancestors - the ancestors that go many generations back as well as our living ancestors.

Our parents are our most direct ancestors and therefore hold the key to dissolving ancestral karma that stretches back through time.

Because of this the relationship to our parents (alive or on the other side) needs to be focused on, understood and respected as in it lays great potential for healing.

We might find it hard to pray for those ancestors who are/were abusive to other family members or ourselves, to pray for those who we think “have done wrong”.

However at some point, either whilst they are still amongst us or once they have passed on, they will have come to understand how their behaviour affected those around them.

And even more so they want to support your healing work by sharing their wisdom and blessings with you.

So find forgiveness in your heart, remember the contracts you made before you came and pray for your ancestors with the deepest love and gratitude in your heart.

They seek your forgiveness, your loving remembrance, your prayers and songs and you will soon feel their supportive presence with you in each and every moment.

Let’s not hang onto, but rather dissolve our ancestral karma WITH the help of our ancestors, let’s heal those discordant energies in our family line so we will no longer pass on the trauma, pain and disempowered stories that existed in our family for many generations.

Let’s take responsibility, step out of the victim mentality, accept and love especially the difficult energies and create a better future for ourselves and our children.

Once again it is up to every single one of us to do this work as nobody else can do it for us.

The festival of The Day of the Dead, Samhain, Halloween…. (or whatever your tradition) is upon us so get out the photographs of your ancestors, light candles, cook their favourite food, sing their songs and celebrate them for gifting you this life ✨🔥❤️

All my relations ✨🌳🌎❤️

It is never too late to make amends, reach out, re-connect, forgive, apologise, admit that one was harsh and possibly unfair.

In many families and circles of friends there are those who no longer speak to each other, hold grudges, block the other out of their lives and maybe speak ill about this particular person.

And although sometimes it is necessary to have some distance from someone as we are possibly too hurt to engage with them in any way, at some point I believe it is necessary for us to re-connect…. rather sooner than later.

Even if you felt you were treated unfairly, let go of the need to hear: “I was wrong or I am sorry or I should have loved you more or told you more often that I am proud of you”

Let go of all that. This might never happen and that is ok, too.

Simply an energetic reaching out by sending love and witnessing what changed in us when we do that, will be a very powerful thing to do.

This post is inspired by my father’s passing over one week ago. Our relationship was not easy and it took me many years to let go of resentment towards him. A wonderful tool that helped me was the Hawaian Healing prayer Ho’oponopono that I have used for him for many years: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you. (you can find guidance on this online)

5 weeks ago when I saw my father, I told him that I loved him for the first time in my life. It came out spontaneously and I truly meant it.

Although he did not answer, I know that he received it fully.

This was the last time I saw my father and I can’t tell you how grateful I am that spirit guided me into his room one more time to say good bye.

This enabled me to send his soul off with the purest feelings in my heart last weekend when I sang a song for him at his wake.

Never underestimate the power of love. No one sets out to cause harm and pain, but due to circumstances it does happen and it is up to us if we choose to go into the victim mentality and make this hurt and pain our story or rather if we transform it into loving power.

If you attempt to re-connect and the other person is not willing to do so, then send them love, let them know energetically that you wish them a light filled journey. Often people accompany you only for short periods of your life and when your energetic frequencies change, your ways part. The relationship can still be healed even if you no longer spend time with each other.

Everything is a microcosm of the macrocosm, so if we each can find ways for peaceful togetherness in our small sphere of influence then that will be reflected in our world.

I strongly suggest you start with your birth family. Don’t wait any longer. If it is too hard for you to do directly (it took me a few years with my father) then start with an energetic way of bringing discordant energies back in alignment: Prayers, letters you write to them without posting, shamanic journeying to meet them on a soul level, offerings to the fire. You can hold a full moon ritual this Wednesday, 20.10. to complete the old story with them by letting go of resentment, burden, hatred, anger, envy. Message me if you would like more guidance, but foremost trust your own inner guidance, you will know what to do.

Let’s live in harmony with all of creation. All my family I love you. Mitakuye Oyasin ❤️

“All my relations” is the English equivalent of a phrase familiar to most Native peoples of North America. It may begin or end a prayer or speech or a story, and, while each tribe has its own way of expressing this sentiment in its own language, the meaning is the same.

“All my relations” is at first a reminder of who we are and of our relationship with both our family and our relatives. It also reminds us of the extended relationship we share with all human beings. But the relationships that Native people see go further, the web of kinship to animals, to the birds, to the fish, to the plants, to all the animate and inanimate forms that can be seen or imagined.

More than that, “all my relations” is an encouragement for us to accept the responsibilities we have within the universal family by living our lives in a harmonious and moral manner (a common admonishment is to say of someone that they act as if they had no relations).”–Thomas King, All My Relations

Light workers - be the teachers that you are meant to be ⭐️

Beloved Light Family ⭐️

Never be ashamed of your light. It is the eternal light of your soul. By letting go of separation you are coming home, returning to Oneness whilst being here on Earth in your beautiful body. There are now so many lightworkers on Earth who have this same longing for Oneness, for Home. So let’s remember that we have a divine mission that requires us to be on Earth and create this Home here. 

There might be light workers who had numerous life times on this planet before, there might be Star Dwellers amongst us and those who came directly from Source without any experience of being in a human body. All of us came with the task and the desire to help the planet and humanity shift into a higher vibration. 

Some of us got lost in the process, feeling overwhelmed, depressed and isolated in forgetting why we came, because society, as it currently exists on Earth, has not yet made the leap into heart - based consciousness, the exact consciousness that we are bringing. 

We do not seem to fit in, we are different and this is exactly what we are meant to be - different. We are bringing the new awarenes to Earth without judgement towards those who are holding onto Ego - based structures out of fear, whilst craving for love and recognition from the outside. 

I am asking you to open yourself once again to REMEMBER!
Connect to your soul’s light, believe in yourself, value what you bring and share your gifts and talents with joy and confidence. You are the bringers of light. Share your unique frequency, your views and new ideas, be a role model.

Do not be afraid of rejection, and do not seek recognition outside yourself. Feel your inner strength and be aware of it. Find like minded souls, who are reminding you of your divine mission and forgive and love those who don’t understand and possibly reject you. Every soul has a choice and has already made significant choices before entering this human form. There is not a good or a bad choice, it merely is another expression in this “Great Experience” - Great Mystery. 

Once we let go of the idea of right or wrong and trust our own divine guidance then we can see that things are really starting to change, because change always starts within. 

So try not to focus on those who are stuck in the Ego Consciousness, observe with compassion rather than letting yourself be swept up by the dramas and fear mongering. 

The purpose of your life is to bring “Home” down on to Earth. One day every single one of us will go back to source. But for now let’s enjoy this magnificent planet, because it truly is magical. 

When you are able to hold this consciousness of Oneness, Love, Gratitude, Presence, Grace, Joy and Forgiveness in an environment that is still in transition from Ego to the Heart, then you are the teacher that you are meant to be - 


The current crisis - It is up to your heart ❤️

It is easy to choose love over fear when all is going well, flowing beautifully, when we are healthy and abundant surrounded by our loved ones. However in times of insecurity choosing the way of the heart can be much harder and we can soon find ourselves caught up in disempowered ways of thinking and limiting beliefs whilst collecting evidence for doom and gloom.

The rational mind reacts to the energy you engage in and if that’s one of fear your mind will react with panic and mental noise, that can make it very difficult for us to connect with our hearts.

And because many of us are busy doing just this, the collective energy of fear and mistrust, shaming, blaming etc. is strong to say the least.

Let’s try something different! Why not accept and embrace all that is happening and trust that there is a universal flow with a higher intelligence behind everything, which simply is impossible to grasp with our rational mind.

Choose the calm way of the heart. Love means to become still and comfortable with the not-knowing what will happen. There are deeper answers to your questions that can only be answered by your heart.

We live in challenging times, but we have already been living in chaos before this pandemic and we are now at a crucial turning point where we are asked to leave ego-consciousness behind and move into heart-consciousness.

Planet Earth is a living organism with consciousness that requires balance and peace to be inhabitable by life. This virus is closely connected with how we have been treating our planet. We are Earth, we are nature and therefore the current state of the planet reflects our inner turmoil, the way we have mistreated ourselves. Many of us are in conflict with life, with our emotions, we don’t feel comfortable with ourselves, there is self-judgement, self-loathing even due to a long history and possibly many life times of struggle, which is opposing the natural order leading to disharmony and imbalance.

The current crisis is the answer to this deep imbalance inside of us and the way out of this is love. Let yourself fall into the depths, let go of what you thought this human experience is all about, be comfortable with the not-knowing.

Start with yourself to make the change you are so yearning for. Listen to your own nature, what is your soul gently whispering to you?

Where are you caught up in the daily fight for survival, success and money?

Take a moment to connect with the living heart of Earth herself, her wisdom and intelligence will support you.

This crisis is opening new ways for humanity and we are invited to change, to open to the way of the heart.

There will be many, who will remain in the Ego - consciousness of fear and control and that is their choice. Their reality won’t change, but ours will. It is up to you to choose and not one choice is better than the other. It is your reality and your experience and in the spirit of free will you choose! Everyone is invited into the 5D but not everyone will choose to join.

That should not be your concern, so please stop judging each other as this is a characteristic of the ego-consciousness.

All is well. We are never alone. Nothing might make sense for the mind, but it totally does for your heart. Greetings from Glastonbury 🌷

I love you ❤️

Post inspired by the Jeshua Channelings, Pamela Kribbe🙏

Vaccine - yes or no?

It seems very easy to judge one another right now in our choices. I feel that judgements are defence mechanisms or even survival mechanisms through which we try to convince ourselves that we know what is best for us and the collective.

Most of us are quick to justify our own and condemn others’ behaviours. Remember that many people are in fear right now and THAT simply can not be argued away. Many feel their life is threatened, they are afraid of losing loved ones and have possibly already lost their livelihood. There is a lot of grief felt right now.

“Going back to normal” seems like the saving grace. Let’s just pretend that nothing happened.... It is not that easy. Be prepared for more changes, possibly more heartbreaks and adjustments that need to be made.

Even those who don’t buy into conspiracy theories at all are starting to wonder. But stay with yourself, your own inner work, make choices from your heart, don’t be embarrassed to change your mind, look after your health and your immediate surroundings and circles - this is your sphere of influence.

If you feeel resentment, envy, grief, anger and all those powerful emotions allow yourself to feel them and hold space for yourself.

Ask for help if you need it.

Our rational mind will never be able to comprehend the complexity and intricacy of Universal energies and Creation itself and it is totally human to be overwhelmed and feel hopeless at times. In these moments remember, focus on your breath, connect to Mother Earth and the energy of love and gratitude.

We all have our own ideas about what’s going on, but no one really has a clue, right?

So let’s honour each others choices and be kind beautiful family. The worst thing that can happen now is that we separate and alienate

ourselves from each other even more.

I love you

Thank you Vaz Sriharan for this prayer:

“If you’ve taken the vaccine, I honour your choice. I wish you continued healing, love & health.

If you’ve not taken the vaccine, I honour your choice. I wish you continued healing, love & health.

If you feel the need to condemn or educate those who make different choices for themselves, I wish you continued healing, love & health.

If it triggers you that I am not choosing a ‘side’, or ‘your side’, I wish you continued healing, love & health.

I honour all this in you because I strive to honour your empowerment.

Your choices.

Your knowingness that what you do is right for you.

What is right for your own body.

It is not my place to persuade you to make the same choices I make.

Or assume I could ever know what is best for you.

Whatever your choice, I trust and respVaccine - yes or no?

It seems very easy to judge one another right now in our choices. I feel that judgements are defence mechanisms or even survival mechanisms through which we try to convince ourselves that we know what is best for us and the collective.

Most of us are quick to justify our own and condemn others’ behaviours. Remember that many people are in fear right now and THAT simply can not be argued away. Many feel their life is threatened, they are afraid of losing loved ones and have possibly already lost their livelihood. There is a lot of grief felt right now.

“Going back to normal” seems like the saving grace. Let’s just pretend that nothing happened.... It is not that easy. Be prepared for more changes, possibly more heartbreaks and adjustments that need to be made.

Even those who don’t buy into conspiracy theories at all are starting to wonder. But stay with yourself, your own inner work, make choices from your heart, don’t be embarrassed to change your mind, look after your health and your immediate surroundings and circles - this is your sphere of influence.

If you feeel resentment, envy, grief, anger and all those powerful emotions allow yourself to feel them and hold space for yourself.

Ask for help if you need it.

Our rational mind will never be able to comprehend the complexity and intricacy of Universal energies and Creation itself and it is totally human to be overwhelmed and feel hopeless at times. In these moments remember, focus on your breath, connect to Mother Earth and the energy of love and gratitude.

We all have our own ideas about what’s going on, but no one really has a clue, right?

So let’s honour each others choices and be kind beautiful family. The worst thing that can happen now is that we separate and alienate

ourselves from each other even more.

I love you

Thank you Vaz Sriharan for this prayer:

“If you’ve taken the vaccine, I honour your choice. I wish you continued healing, love & health.

If you’ve not taken the vaccine, I honour your choice. I wish you continued healing, love & health.

If you feel the need to condemn or educate those who make different choices for themselves, I wish you continued healing, love & health.

If it triggers you that I am not choosing a ‘side’, or ‘your side’, I wish you continued healing, love & health.

I honour all this in you because I strive to honour your empowerment.

Your choices.

Your knowingness that what you do is right for you.

What is right for your own body.

It is not my place to persuade you to make the same choices I make.

Or assume I could ever know what is best for you.

Whatever your choice, I trust and respect your decision. I wish you continued healing, love & health.”

I love you ❤️

Embodied Spirituality in the New Era🌟

Lightworker souls look back on many life times in which we have undergone numerous tests and challenges. These made us compassionate and wise, and at the same time exhausted and vulnerable.

Often we would have experienced a “not-fitting in” especially when we were facing strict rules and old structures and because of that we hold wounds of rejection and loneliness.

We are very sensitive to denser energies which can prevent us to feel a safe connection with the Earth and can lead to withdrawal and isolation.

At the moment a collision is taking place between the old and the new and we as Lightworkers are able to build the bridge by channeling through our bodies our cosmic energy onto the earth.

We only have to look into the eyes of our children, who are already carrying the energy of the new era to feel the all-encompassing energy of unconditional love.

We see great light in the eyes of our children and we know that those sensitive souls have to be treated with kindness and respect.

They are our teachers and at the same time they need our support, love and care.

We see in our children a reflection of ourselves, our love as well as our pain, the pain of not always feeling welcome on this planet, because their vibration does not fit the vibration of the Earth.

Helping them to ground themselves here and bring their cosmic light through is possibly the greatest contribution we can make for the transition into the New Era.

A grounded and embodied spirituality is what is called for so we can set out an energetic trail for the new children.

Let’s welcome them with open arms so they can express their soul energy in material forms and establish a loving connection to earth.

“The true power of the Christ energy is that it pierces through the darkest cells, that it brings love where hopelessness abounds. On earth, a planet so lovely and rich and yet so removed from Oneness and love, Christ energy prepares a seed and opens up new vistas. You all are sprouts of this seed and pioneers of a new era. Even if your road seems difficult and heavy, you all have accomplished a great deal and by your own inner changes have helped open the gates for the new wave of light energy now pouring on earth.”

The New Era is here!

Thank you. I love you ❤️

Post inspired by the Jeshua Channelings - Pamela Kribbe


This is all for you 🦋

Beautiful eternal soul 🌟

There are two different ways of viewing the current situation we find ourselves in on this planet right now: 
One is fear based as we feel anxious about the unknown. What is going to happen? How will we survive? We buy into the conspiracy theories and the belief system that “dark forces” are behind it all. 

The other way is the understanding that all is love and that we are receiving a great gift right now. We have the realisation that everything is happening just for us and through us.

We all experience this situation through our own filters depending on our belief systems, how we live, the work we do, the circles we move in...

The perfect scenario has been created (or better, we have created it ourselves) to get us exactly to the point and place where we need to be. Through the choices we make now more than ever we create our own reality. 

Considering the chaotic state our planet and her people have been in, a divine intervention was necessary and overdue. On a collective soul level we have agreed on something that would bring everything to a hold; in this case the corona virus. 

And it really doesn’t matter if it’s all blown out of proportion or whichever “forces” we think might be involved.... All of it has been perfectly orchestrated to give every single one of us exactly what we need. 

The lock downs will bring us to our core wounding possibly more intensely than ever and we will start to see the insanity of the way we have lived our lives. 

Yesterday in a beautiful woodland in my home country Germany I lay in the arms of Mother Earth, hysterically laughing and crying at the same time about the cosmic joke, re-visiting my cosmic birth trauma once again, remembering.... who I am.
Laughing at myself (with compassion) about all the hang ups, the heart breaks, the disagreements I have had. Laughing at and forgiving my judgment of myself and others, recognising that behind all of it is a little girl, that feels at times unloved, unworthy, lonely and fragile. She is looking for someone or something to make her feel whole again. 

But! There is only me in the whole wide universe and at the same time there is only you experiencing everything in your own beautiful way. Nothing else. You are everything and nothing at the same time.

A paradox if there has ever been one. 
We are in charge of it all. All it comes down to is you and when you look at the complexity of it all, then it really is awe inspiring. 

However it does not have to be complex at all. Actually it is pretty simple once we get back into tune with the rhythm of the earth and the cycles of the moon. 

All of the teachings I have received over the last 10 years have just integrated a little bit more. I have understood what it is that makes me happy, what I am yearning for and where my home is. 

And after living a Nomadic life style more or less since 2015 I am beyond excited about going home. 
I have everything I need and I was fortunate enough to spend time with indigenous people from many different traditions. But for now there is only one place I want to be, to integrate, to share, to live a simple life amongst my tribe in harmony with nature. 

I am wishing you from the bottom of my heart that you will take this time to go within, to be able to come to your own realisations of what parts of you still need healing. Do not be afraid of what you might find as there really is nothing to fear. 
Many struggle right now and I totally want to acknowledge the difficult situation you might find yourself in. But know that this too shall pass and that you can transmute and use the grief and struggle as a portal for transformation.

I recently received a message from Mother Earth, which hopefully you find helpful. 

Message from Mother Earth
Be grounded
Be strong 
Be yourself 
Hold space for your inner child and others who might be in fear
Share your energy in a way that feels natural to you 
Be free of judgement as all experiences are equally valid and beautiful 
Keep speaking to me, singing to me, laying on me, praying for me, caring for me 
I know what I am doing 
I am at a point in my evolution where I re-balance my energies and take my power back
You are my child and I love you very much
So most importantly please forgive yourself and have patience.  

Take this time to look at the aspects in you that feel separate. There is a loneliness in you,  a feeling that you don’t belong here, but let me tell you, for now you do! 
And all souls who have incarnated at this time of the prophecies belong here, too, as they have significant parts to play in my transformation and the transformation of Humankind. 

Dear child. Stay present, stay in your heart and know that you are loved and safe. All is well.
You are loved beyond your wildest imagination ❤️


Embodied Emergence

Courageous Soul 🌟

Once again we are being tested in our trust and if we can stay centred and connected to our hearts. There is more inner work to do, and this is the time to use the energies wisely that are supporting our processes so beautifully right now. There can be a tendency to feeling resentment and wondering if we have the strength, courage and the nervous system for this work, especially whilst going into the winter in the Northern hemisphere.

Let me tell you, that you have all of the resources and tools to do so as well a new awareness of the bigger picture and the necessity for what feels like a contraction, but really is the biggest expansion humanity has experienced in history. 

You are advanced souls, most of you with a mission and the wish to support the planet and her people in her transformation. Remember what you have agreed to do before you incarnated into your beautiful human body.

Remember that nothing is outside of you and therefore everything is an inside job.

You don't need those who make predictions for your future, you don't need those who tell you what to do. What could be helpful however is someone or something that re-connects you to your Inner Teacher, your Inner Warrior, so you can stand tall, empowered, fearless, graceful and know that you ARE great wisdom keepers. 

Only then can you receive higher energies and light codes to embody your soul's frequency and emerge grounded and embodied with power and ease.

You are loved beyond your wildest imagination.

Now Or Never 🌟

As we all know by now, it all starts at home, with one’s Self... 

Everything in our lives is a reflection of where we are at. So of course the most powerful thing to do is to change/heal ourselves.

The key to healing inner child wounding, letting go of limiting belief systems and re-writing new empowered stories is awareness; to be present in this and every moment.

The division of life into past, present and future is part of the big illusion that most of us buy into. The only thing that is real however is the Now.

Memories, old stories, patterns of behaviour and re-occuring dramas stem from living in an unconscious way and through hanging onto and identifying with our “past”.

These patterns are stored in our sub-conscious mind and we often do a good job at turning a blind eye to them... However these misaligned energies will manifest over time in our physical bodies.

Not only will they cause discomfort and pain, possibly lead to illness, but also affect how we live our lives on a daily basis, the actions we take, decisions we make, the lovers we choose etc.

Now that all of our “Sh....t” so beautifully came to the surface it is time to face it! What stories keep repeating themselves in your life? The Universe is kind and at the same time life is a tough teacher. If you don’t get it, the lessons will get much stronger. 

Many of us think they are unlucky and that other people have so much more, everything seems to go right for everyone else. 

If we see ourselves as victims however, we close our hearts and the energy does not flow. Even if opportunities come our way, we won't recognize them as such. . 

Many of us think we don’t deserve to be happy, we only allow ourselves a certain amount of happiness and beyond that sabotage good fortune. This can be deeply programmed within us and takes self love and commitment to dissolve.

We spend a good part of our lives not wanting to be where we are, who we are, with whom we are. Sometimes things can be changed, but other times they can't. The key is to accept and surrender to what IS rather than resist and fight it.

“Wherever you go, there you are. In other words: you are here. Always. Is it so hard to accept that?" - Eckhart Tolle

Start Now! 

Became aware of your Self, act and speak more consciously and observe what is happening in your life. If you see an unhelpful pattern, change it! You created it, which means you can change it. Become still and listen to the voice of your soul and she will whisper to you what changes would be helpful to make.

When we accept the fact that there is only this moment and live accordingly to this we will realize that we are the creators of our own reality, our “future”. We will start seeing synchronicities, things will fall into place:

Thy will be done. 

“Be here right now” (thank you Ram Dass) with total awareness and you will soon realize that there is no room for anxiety, depression, low self esteem in this place of presence. We are infinite divine beings, we are perfect as we are and exactly where we are meant to be. 

Beautiful soul, remind yourself of this through practices that resonate with you such as Meditation, Yoga, Journeying, Singing, Creating, Dancing, Spending time in Nature, praying etc.

And of course….Connecting with your tribe ❤️


Thorns and Roses 🌷

Who ever said we had to be perfect?

No other than our limited Mind....

Possibly there are people in our lives, who through their actions and words have contributed to limiting belief systems and insecurities, that we hold in us. These energies can lead to constantly comparing ourselves to others, judging, feeling inadequate and then projecting this on to others. 

It is a very uncomfortable place to be in, BUT there are no mistakes!

There might be things that we have said or done, which we now regret. But remember everything we do is neither right or wrong. It simply is.....whatever was required at that moment in time. 

Each of us came to this Earth once again with our individual gifts, strengths and challenges so we can learn vital lessons on an individual level and for the collective. 

However hard it might be, however challenging and difficult the lessons are, you will only be given what you can manage and it will help you grow beyond your wildest imagination. 

So make sure not to hold onto grudges and to release guilt, shame and resentment, because those energies are not serving anyone. Least of all are they serving YOU.

Open your heart to yourself and all others. 

Start to accept and love your magnificent Self with all its aspects; the roses and the thorns. Rather than resisting aspects of you and wishing them to be different, embrace them and open your heart to even deeper love.

When the old is released, new timelines will open up for you. 

You are perfectly imperfect! Celebrate that!!!! 

“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

― The Buddha


The Final Surrender… For now 🦋

The Eclipse gateway that we have been experiencing since the beginning of June closes this weekend with the Lunar Eclipse on Sunday. There have been also a number of planets in retrograde and it has been quite an intense ride. Soi I think a big PHEW.... is in order.

You are doing a wonderful job at bringing in the new energies, which most likely involves shifting, changing, surrendering, liberating, laughing, crying, screaming, hiding, dancing, singing, sleeping, creating and whatever else you might be up to. Well done beautiful soul and thank you for not giving up when it can seem a little bleak at times. 

This is exactly why we came here! To experience EVERYTHING. Nothing is bad, nothing is good, nothing wrong neither right, no one is more than or less than. Everyone is just trying to make sense of this whole experience on this beautiful planet, that we call home right now, in their own creative way and that's ok. So let's get out of the judgement even if we think we know better and have all the answers. If you feel that way then that is great, but don't try to defend your position or to convince anyone of your truth.
It is YOUR truth and nothing else.  

We all have our own innate wisdom, and a clear vision if we allow the clouds of ignorance to dissolve, if we trust and surrender to the Universal guidance, feel our ancestors standing behind us and communicate with our spiritual guides. 

This is the final surrender, the final purge for now... It is not weak to surrender, but it shows great strength and courage if you can let go of old belief systems, stories and structures.

Know that whatever is being cleared from your life right now, has to go, so you can further step into your power and embody your unique frequency. Being who you truly are is the biggest contribution you can make to the greatest good of All. 

The magical leap into the unknown has never held more promise. LET GO!
