This is all for you 🦋

Beautiful eternal soul 🌟

There are two different ways of viewing the current situation we find ourselves in on this planet right now: 
One is fear based as we feel anxious about the unknown. What is going to happen? How will we survive? We buy into the conspiracy theories and the belief system that “dark forces” are behind it all. 

The other way is the understanding that all is love and that we are receiving a great gift right now. We have the realisation that everything is happening just for us and through us.

We all experience this situation through our own filters depending on our belief systems, how we live, the work we do, the circles we move in...

The perfect scenario has been created (or better, we have created it ourselves) to get us exactly to the point and place where we need to be. Through the choices we make now more than ever we create our own reality. 

Considering the chaotic state our planet and her people have been in, a divine intervention was necessary and overdue. On a collective soul level we have agreed on something that would bring everything to a hold; in this case the corona virus. 

And it really doesn’t matter if it’s all blown out of proportion or whichever “forces” we think might be involved.... All of it has been perfectly orchestrated to give every single one of us exactly what we need. 

The lock downs will bring us to our core wounding possibly more intensely than ever and we will start to see the insanity of the way we have lived our lives. 

Yesterday in a beautiful woodland in my home country Germany I lay in the arms of Mother Earth, hysterically laughing and crying at the same time about the cosmic joke, re-visiting my cosmic birth trauma once again, remembering.... who I am.
Laughing at myself (with compassion) about all the hang ups, the heart breaks, the disagreements I have had. Laughing at and forgiving my judgment of myself and others, recognising that behind all of it is a little girl, that feels at times unloved, unworthy, lonely and fragile. She is looking for someone or something to make her feel whole again. 

But! There is only me in the whole wide universe and at the same time there is only you experiencing everything in your own beautiful way. Nothing else. You are everything and nothing at the same time.

A paradox if there has ever been one. 
We are in charge of it all. All it comes down to is you and when you look at the complexity of it all, then it really is awe inspiring. 

However it does not have to be complex at all. Actually it is pretty simple once we get back into tune with the rhythm of the earth and the cycles of the moon. 

All of the teachings I have received over the last 10 years have just integrated a little bit more. I have understood what it is that makes me happy, what I am yearning for and where my home is. 

And after living a Nomadic life style more or less since 2015 I am beyond excited about going home. 
I have everything I need and I was fortunate enough to spend time with indigenous people from many different traditions. But for now there is only one place I want to be, to integrate, to share, to live a simple life amongst my tribe in harmony with nature. 

I am wishing you from the bottom of my heart that you will take this time to go within, to be able to come to your own realisations of what parts of you still need healing. Do not be afraid of what you might find as there really is nothing to fear. 
Many struggle right now and I totally want to acknowledge the difficult situation you might find yourself in. But know that this too shall pass and that you can transmute and use the grief and struggle as a portal for transformation.

I recently received a message from Mother Earth, which hopefully you find helpful. 

Message from Mother Earth
Be grounded
Be strong 
Be yourself 
Hold space for your inner child and others who might be in fear
Share your energy in a way that feels natural to you 
Be free of judgement as all experiences are equally valid and beautiful 
Keep speaking to me, singing to me, laying on me, praying for me, caring for me 
I know what I am doing 
I am at a point in my evolution where I re-balance my energies and take my power back
You are my child and I love you very much
So most importantly please forgive yourself and have patience.  

Take this time to look at the aspects in you that feel separate. There is a loneliness in you,  a feeling that you don’t belong here, but let me tell you, for now you do! 
And all souls who have incarnated at this time of the prophecies belong here, too, as they have significant parts to play in my transformation and the transformation of Humankind. 

Dear child. Stay present, stay in your heart and know that you are loved and safe. All is well.
You are loved beyond your wildest imagination ❤️
