The Final Surrender… For now 🦋

The Eclipse gateway that we have been experiencing since the beginning of June closes this weekend with the Lunar Eclipse on Sunday. There have been also a number of planets in retrograde and it has been quite an intense ride. Soi I think a big PHEW.... is in order.

You are doing a wonderful job at bringing in the new energies, which most likely involves shifting, changing, surrendering, liberating, laughing, crying, screaming, hiding, dancing, singing, sleeping, creating and whatever else you might be up to. Well done beautiful soul and thank you for not giving up when it can seem a little bleak at times. 

This is exactly why we came here! To experience EVERYTHING. Nothing is bad, nothing is good, nothing wrong neither right, no one is more than or less than. Everyone is just trying to make sense of this whole experience on this beautiful planet, that we call home right now, in their own creative way and that's ok. So let's get out of the judgement even if we think we know better and have all the answers. If you feel that way then that is great, but don't try to defend your position or to convince anyone of your truth.
It is YOUR truth and nothing else.  

We all have our own innate wisdom, and a clear vision if we allow the clouds of ignorance to dissolve, if we trust and surrender to the Universal guidance, feel our ancestors standing behind us and communicate with our spiritual guides. 

This is the final surrender, the final purge for now... It is not weak to surrender, but it shows great strength and courage if you can let go of old belief systems, stories and structures.

Know that whatever is being cleared from your life right now, has to go, so you can further step into your power and embody your unique frequency. Being who you truly are is the biggest contribution you can make to the greatest good of All. 

The magical leap into the unknown has never held more promise. LET GO!
