Awaken the Chris within

Family of Light ✨

Christ Consciousness was seeded on Earth ca 2000 years ago through a Celestial Being that walked on this planet in human form. His name was Jeshua, part of a much larger consciousness, sent to Earth as a divine intervention, a kind of emergency measure from the spheres of light, that were deeply concerned with Earth. 

An intervention to remind every single one of us of our divine origin when we were and still partially are lost in the sea of ignorance.

The light that Jeshua brought triggered a lot of darkness. His teachings were misunderstood and manipulated. Some might say that this intervention was premature. However it was necessary to seed Christ Consciousness at exactly this point in time. 

Even for Jeshua the energy he was holding was at times so strong that his physical body was struggling. 

Does this sound familiar? Exactly! Ascension symptoms are the norm right now as we are in the midst of the 2nd Coming of Christ with every single one of you holding “his/her” Consciousness. 

The seeds have grown into beautiful plants as you are awakening the Christ within. Jeshua has returned and speaks through YOU with love, compassion and understanding beyond judgement, beyond duality, purely from a 3rd all-encompassing Consciousness that understands All as a manifestation of the Divine. 

During the many lifetimes that most of us had either here on Earth, stars, planets and galaxies we have gone through the whole spectrum of experiences as a victim, a perpetrator, someone who gives, someone who takes… all of this enabling us to hold Christ Consciousness. 

What we are experiencing right now on this planet is a counter reaction of the darkness to the light that is shining bright in all of us. 

The old structures or crumbling, old energies are fighting for survival and are showing their ugliest faces, the misuse of power is made so obvious that we cannot look away any longer. 

If this resonates with you then you surely are a Lightworker Soul and the purpose of your life is to bring “Heaven” to Earth. One day every single one of us will go back Home. But for now let’s enjoy this magnificent dance of creation, our beautiful planet and each other. 

When you are able to hold the consciousness of Oneness, Love, Gratitude, Presence, Grace and Joy in an environment that is still in transition from Ego -  to Heart Consciousness, then you are truly awakening the Christ within you and are helping others to do the same. 

It’s an honour to be “stationed” here with you. We got this!

You are not alone 
And always remember… you are loved beyond your wildest imagination ✨