A battle between the Good and the Bad? 🌎

A tidal wave of light of the highest vibrational frequencies is flooding this planet right now and according to the laws of duality that leads to a powerful reaction of the Darkness (in this instance I mean lower vibrational dense energies)

Both the Light and the Darkness have opposite interests:

Light confronts by releasing suppressed energies and breaking down old structures.

Darkness wants to oppress everything that is in its way and control it.

Both energies are natural opposites that depend on each other. When one of them gets stronger the other meets it to bring balance.

Although it might seem like the obvious solution it is NOT about transforming darkness into light.

But rather to create a consciousness that embraces the polarities with love and understanding - a unity consciousness that can exist in the presence of the Darkness as well as the presence of the Light.

Therefore entering a battle to fight Darkness, to fight the β€œBad” would mean that we would walk alongside its own troops.

Let’s try to see the bigger picture that is the amazing spectacle of creation in all of its aspects and find peace in our hearts with it all.

And remember… We are and always will be loved beyond our wildest imagination ✨

Writing inspired by the Jeshua Channelings