Exhausted by it all beautiful Soul….?

Remember that at the moment we have one foot in the Old Earth and one foot in the New Earth. Some days we may be very much caught up in the old structures and energies of struggle, fear and control.

Whereas on other days we are floating in the new energies of love, grace, flow and unity.

The perceived polarities are stretching our resilience and testing our faith.

The Universe is asking us to stay in our hearts and to keep our vision for the New Earth strong whilst we are still very much aware of the old - this divine dance can of course be exhausting.

The old energies won’t suddenly disappear and there will be many souls who are choosing to continue on this journey for now until they decide to have a different experience. Make peace with their choice.

There is a desire in many of us for the new energies to reveal themselves more clearly. Remember that Magic is all around us if we are open to it. We don’t have to wait, but simply receive.

We carry the desire for ease and a longing to live from joy and deep inspiration and at the same time we understand trauma and pain. This awareness is beautiful as it makes us a bridge between the new and the old.

Let’s stay faithful to ourselves and the parts in us that are still suffering as they are reflecting the struggle of the Collective. Take those parts into your loving embrace as an act of self-love and compassion, creating a fertile ground for the new energies to grow and flourish.

You are a Child of the Universe, a Child of the New Era, you are the Bridge-Builder, the Change-Maker, the Alchemist.

Trust your heart will be your guiding light 🌟