Heaven on Earth ⭐️

“Thinking of hell on Earth will bring it just as surely as going out and building it by the sweat of your brow” - Dolores Cannon

Your thought energy is powerful enough to make anything happen. We get bombarded by the old systems with stories of war and suffering in order to manipulate our mental energies. I am not ignorant of challenging scenarios that are happening right now, but remember that what One experiences is what their soul chose to experience in this life time.

That does not mean that we can’t have compassion, offer help and support where we can. But if you make fear and struggle your story line and get lost in the drama of it all, then you will lower your energy to a point where you won’t be able to express and embody your unique frequency- the very reason you came to this planet.

Your purpose is to be a beacon of light and a pillar for those who are lost and are in need of stability and guidance.

So let’s bring in fresh energy that has not been contaminated with fear. Find those who activate and anchor you through their presence, who carry energies, which are the foundation of the new Earth. Find those who ignite your fire and enable you to receive upgrades, light codes and blessings from the Star nations. Our DNA is being upgraded right now and sometimes this re- wiring process can lead to unexplained physical, mental and emotional symptoms whilst our bodies take time to adjust.

So be patient and trust.

During this transition period on our planet there will be wars, there will be deaths, sickness and struggle, and this is all part of the process. Look at it as a cosmic purge as well as a beautiful teaching for us to not be swayed from our path, no matter what.

Many souls are returning home in these times, and there will be those who chose to stay in the denser energies of the old earth to resolve their karma. Everyone has free choice and not one choice is better than the other.

I pray for us that we will focus our thoughts and intentions on creating paradise and not hell here on Earth and that we will make more empowered loving choices in each and every moment supported by a loving tribe that holds us in the moments of doubt.

Thank you for being here ❤️