Light workers - be the teachers that you are meant to be ⭐️

Beloved Light Family ⭐️

Never be ashamed of your light. It is the eternal light of your soul. By letting go of separation you are coming home, returning to Oneness whilst being here on Earth in your beautiful body. There are now so many lightworkers on Earth who have this same longing for Oneness, for Home. So let’s remember that we have a divine mission that requires us to be on Earth and create this Home here. 

There might be light workers who had numerous life times on this planet before, there might be Star Dwellers amongst us and those who came directly from Source without any experience of being in a human body. All of us came with the task and the desire to help the planet and humanity shift into a higher vibration. 

Some of us got lost in the process, feeling overwhelmed, depressed and isolated in forgetting why we came, because society, as it currently exists on Earth, has not yet made the leap into heart - based consciousness, the exact consciousness that we are bringing. 

We do not seem to fit in, we are different and this is exactly what we are meant to be - different. We are bringing the new awarenes to Earth without judgement towards those who are holding onto Ego - based structures out of fear, whilst craving for love and recognition from the outside. 

I am asking you to open yourself once again to REMEMBER!
Connect to your soul’s light, believe in yourself, value what you bring and share your gifts and talents with joy and confidence. You are the bringers of light. Share your unique frequency, your views and new ideas, be a role model.

Do not be afraid of rejection, and do not seek recognition outside yourself. Feel your inner strength and be aware of it. Find like minded souls, who are reminding you of your divine mission and forgive and love those who don’t understand and possibly reject you. Every soul has a choice and has already made significant choices before entering this human form. There is not a good or a bad choice, it merely is another expression in this “Great Experience” - Great Mystery. 

Once we let go of the idea of right or wrong and trust our own divine guidance then we can see that things are really starting to change, because change always starts within. 

So try not to focus on those who are stuck in the Ego Consciousness, observe with compassion rather than letting yourself be swept up by the dramas and fear mongering. 

The purpose of your life is to bring “Home” down on to Earth. One day every single one of us will go back to source. But for now let’s enjoy this magnificent planet, because it truly is magical. 

When you are able to hold this consciousness of Oneness, Love, Gratitude, Presence, Grace, Joy and Forgiveness in an environment that is still in transition from Ego to the Heart, then you are the teacher that you are meant to be -