All my relations ✨🌳🌎❤️

It is never too late to make amends, reach out, re-connect, forgive, apologise, admit that one was harsh and possibly unfair.

In many families and circles of friends there are those who no longer speak to each other, hold grudges, block the other out of their lives and maybe speak ill about this particular person.

And although sometimes it is necessary to have some distance from someone as we are possibly too hurt to engage with them in any way, at some point I believe it is necessary for us to re-connect…. rather sooner than later.

Even if you felt you were treated unfairly, let go of the need to hear: “I was wrong or I am sorry or I should have loved you more or told you more often that I am proud of you”

Let go of all that. This might never happen and that is ok, too.

Simply an energetic reaching out by sending love and witnessing what changed in us when we do that, will be a very powerful thing to do.

This post is inspired by my father’s passing over one week ago. Our relationship was not easy and it took me many years to let go of resentment towards him. A wonderful tool that helped me was the Hawaian Healing prayer Ho’oponopono that I have used for him for many years: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you. (you can find guidance on this online)

5 weeks ago when I saw my father, I told him that I loved him for the first time in my life. It came out spontaneously and I truly meant it.

Although he did not answer, I know that he received it fully.

This was the last time I saw my father and I can’t tell you how grateful I am that spirit guided me into his room one more time to say good bye.

This enabled me to send his soul off with the purest feelings in my heart last weekend when I sang a song for him at his wake.

Never underestimate the power of love. No one sets out to cause harm and pain, but due to circumstances it does happen and it is up to us if we choose to go into the victim mentality and make this hurt and pain our story or rather if we transform it into loving power.

If you attempt to re-connect and the other person is not willing to do so, then send them love, let them know energetically that you wish them a light filled journey. Often people accompany you only for short periods of your life and when your energetic frequencies change, your ways part. The relationship can still be healed even if you no longer spend time with each other.

Everything is a microcosm of the macrocosm, so if we each can find ways for peaceful togetherness in our small sphere of influence then that will be reflected in our world.

I strongly suggest you start with your birth family. Don’t wait any longer. If it is too hard for you to do directly (it took me a few years with my father) then start with an energetic way of bringing discordant energies back in alignment: Prayers, letters you write to them without posting, shamanic journeying to meet them on a soul level, offerings to the fire. You can hold a full moon ritual this Wednesday, 20.10. to complete the old story with them by letting go of resentment, burden, hatred, anger, envy. Message me if you would like more guidance, but foremost trust your own inner guidance, you will know what to do.

Let’s live in harmony with all of creation. All my family I love you. Mitakuye Oyasin ❤️

“All my relations” is the English equivalent of a phrase familiar to most Native peoples of North America. It may begin or end a prayer or speech or a story, and, while each tribe has its own way of expressing this sentiment in its own language, the meaning is the same.

“All my relations” is at first a reminder of who we are and of our relationship with both our family and our relatives. It also reminds us of the extended relationship we share with all human beings. But the relationships that Native people see go further, the web of kinship to animals, to the birds, to the fish, to the plants, to all the animate and inanimate forms that can be seen or imagined.

More than that, “all my relations” is an encouragement for us to accept the responsibilities we have within the universal family by living our lives in a harmonious and moral manner (a common admonishment is to say of someone that they act as if they had no relations).”–Thomas King, All My Relations