“Stop criticising men….”

This statement truly reached my heart .

Made by a beautiful man, my friend Mazen, who spoke to me on behalf of the Masculine. With these words I strongly felt the pain, the exhaustion, the pleading, the wish to soften, to be seen, to be loved.

Men have been fighting forever he said….

Fighting in wars, fighting for the love of their fathers, fighting to accomplish something and to fulfill expectations. They are tired, so very tired. The Masculine is ready to soften, but it is often met with criticism and harshness. Pain and trauma that the feminine has experienced by the hand of men is projected onto the Masculine in general. Sometimes very direct and other times in an unconscious way.

I received these words and had to pause to take in the energy behind them. I finally got it and was able to see and hear the masculine in their vulnerability.

Whilst I was with my husband I took the role (at least in my mind) of a spiritual midwife. He however never asked me for that.

At some point our paths were no longer aligned and we separated amicably.

In the last 4 years since we separated I have often found myself state that “I did not want to midwife another man”, that most men or the masculine itself “are not quite there yet”

When meeting men I would soon find something that would be unacceptable for me.

This all being a defence mechanism out of fear of having to deal with another disappointment and ultimately a broken heart.

So it seemed much easier to create the reality that there are hardly any men who would “fit the criteria” And then of course there weren’t any. What a surprise (-;

Anyway much more important than focusing on romantic relationships is to look at the men, that are already in my life. My amazing male friends. Just thinking of them melts my heart. You know who you are - Thank you.

So, I am setting a strong intention to celebrate the Masculine for showing up, to soften towards men so they feel safe to open their heart. May we see eye to eye with neither one feeling superior.

I honour and recognise my own inner masculine that doesn’t quite know what to do with itself to be fair. (Just realised this now)

And with that I honour those men who feel lost right now, letting them know that they are in the middle of a birthing process and that there will be those who will walk by their side to support this new expression of the masculine.

Sisters, I am calling for all of us to lay down the weapons of blame, disappointment, resentment, rage and fury and recognise that our true strength lies in the grace of unconditional love 🤍