The Super Powers of Human Beings 🔥

The unique gift of being human is to hold many different energies and to be able to bring even opposing energies into harmony. By accepting the shadow parts of ourselves we allow fear to transform into joy - a way of unification through acceptance which is true spiritual alchemy.

Humans experience all energies from the brightest to the darkest, can switch between those and even transform denser into lighter energies.

This ability is unique to Humans and means that souls that incarnated into human form have unlimited possibilities of creating, experiencing and of bridging energies.

Humans hold the energies of a murderer as well as of a healer and any expression in between. What we choose to express and live out is our choice and a step in the evolution of our soul.

Some Humans are very much lead by Ego Consciousness, others are moving into the heart, some have fully made the shift into Heart Consciousness and are holding loving space, observing with compassion without being caught up in the drama.

All stages in this development are perfect as they are and those who are still in fear, concerned with power and caught up in ego based structures are entitled to this experience. It’s a natural process that we have all gone through at some point.

So rather than concerning yourself with what you feel is wrong or should change, focus on YOU and what you want to embody and bring forth. What choices do you make in each and every moment out of those unlimited possibilities that are available to you.

Being Human can be challenging, but at the same time you have access to experiences, choices and expansion that possibly no other Being in the entire Universe has. It is a privilege to be on this planet in Human form right now.

So how will you use this gift and your Super Powers? ⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️⚡️