Embodied Spirituality in the New Era🌟

Lightworker souls look back on many life times in which we have undergone numerous tests and challenges. These made us compassionate and wise, and at the same time exhausted and vulnerable.

Often we would have experienced a “not-fitting in” especially when we were facing strict rules and old structures and because of that we hold wounds of rejection and loneliness.

We are very sensitive to denser energies which can prevent us to feel a safe connection with the Earth and can lead to withdrawal and isolation.

At the moment a collision is taking place between the old and the new and we as Lightworkers are able to build the bridge by channeling through our bodies our cosmic energy onto the earth.

We only have to look into the eyes of our children, who are already carrying the energy of the new era to feel the all-encompassing energy of unconditional love.

We see great light in the eyes of our children and we know that those sensitive souls have to be treated with kindness and respect.

They are our teachers and at the same time they need our support, love and care.

We see in our children a reflection of ourselves, our love as well as our pain, the pain of not always feeling welcome on this planet, because their vibration does not fit the vibration of the Earth.

Helping them to ground themselves here and bring their cosmic light through is possibly the greatest contribution we can make for the transition into the New Era.

A grounded and embodied spirituality is what is called for so we can set out an energetic trail for the new children.

Let’s welcome them with open arms so they can express their soul energy in material forms and establish a loving connection to earth.

“The true power of the Christ energy is that it pierces through the darkest cells, that it brings love where hopelessness abounds. On earth, a planet so lovely and rich and yet so removed from Oneness and love, Christ energy prepares a seed and opens up new vistas. You all are sprouts of this seed and pioneers of a new era. Even if your road seems difficult and heavy, you all have accomplished a great deal and by your own inner changes have helped open the gates for the new wave of light energy now pouring on earth.”

The New Era is here!

Thank you. I love you ❤️

Post inspired by the Jeshua Channelings - Pamela Kribbe
