Shifting into a new Frequency

Imminent changes, those that haven’t quite landed yet, might bring confusion and uncertainty. 

Things that felt aligned for a long time have fallen out of harmony and you are on your way to step into your “New You’s” footsteps. 

You don’t quite know how this looks like, but what is clear is that the old shoes don’t fit you anymore. 

You want things to change, for Humanity, for the Earth, for yourself and this seems like a big and impossible job. 

It might come easy to point the finger at those who you think have done wrong, have wronged you, those who pollute the Earth, commit crimes, violate Human Rights. However you are simply pointing away from the problem. 

What if I told you that it all comes down to your inner work and that what you want to see on the outside has to happen within you. Some may say it’s an Inside Job! 

Are you following false Prophets (like the Media), Gurus, Teachers, that are keeping you small. Religions and ideologies that are build on the old energies of fear and control? 

Ask yourself what does no longer feel good. You have the power to change it! Don’t hold on to the old, move forward in full trust. And look back only with love and gratitude and not with regret and resentment. 

What you are sending out is what you will receive: your courage, trust, integrity and humility will be rewarded with matching energies. 

If it’s fear, insecurity, worry and lack you are sharing, then the Universe will hand you a big gift of those energies, because you are unconditionally loved and will receive unconditionally what you have asked for. 

Start to take responsibility for your experience - You have created all of it. 

You can only truly understand this once you “know” that you are the “One” and “the many” simultaneously. 

Humanity is maturing and disempowering games, holding on to old structures, blaming, shaming and guilt tripping are no longer serving anyone. Probably never have done for that matter. 

Saying all of this… If you feel stuck right now and don’t know how to move forward, then trust the process and know that it/ you will shift just in divine timing. Thank you for your courage and your trust. 

Happy New Earth….?

New Earth? You might ask. The Earth looks very much like the old one… if not worse! 

If you find yourself swaying between the New and the Old then I invite you to focus on the choices you make. May they be from a loving, empowered place of presence. 

What are you focusing your energy on?

Who are you spending time with?

How do you treat yourself, your body?

What do you share, spread the message of:

Doom and Gloom or Love and Hope?

Change depends on every single one of us. Should you make a conscious or unconscious choice against the New Earth, then she will still be happening, but possibly without you. 

And that is totally fine of course (we have free will after all), however considering that you had glimpses of the NEW (otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this), do you really want to choose against her?

We all have our dark times believe me, when we want to throw in the towel and “fly home”

If this happens then please don’t judge yourself or anyone else who is deeply in it. We are all just trying to make sense of this human experience. 

Some of us never even questioned if we are Human or not. We might assume that we have this one life time and that was that.  

There are others who know that they have come from a faraway galaxy and keep wondering what they are doing here and why they are wearing a funny looking space suit. 

Many souls are still choosing to study density such as hate, violence, greed. Others have done all that either here on Earth or during life times as Star Beings and are here to embody the energy of unity, love and bliss. 

Throw them all together into one magical cauldron that is Earth. No surprise that we are getting a potent brew. Explosive, right? 

With all of that said remember:


There is no one to blame for your circumstances. You have chosen this experience on more than one level. 

If you don’t agree with this and it triggers you massively then that is also ok.

See if blaming others has ever changed anything for you to the better. 

If not then there is now always the option to take responsibility whilst being kind and patient with yourself. 

This experiment that is EARTH has proven to be very challenging for its participants and those who have been watching right from the beginning want you to know that you are doing a fantastic job. Your creativity truly is beyond what anyone could ever have foreseen. 

Celestial Beings are here to support and guide you in this process and are reminding you that help is always there for those who ask for it. 

So once more
Family of Light ✨✨✨

It is an honour to walk this planet with you.

And lastly a new song called “Earth” that came through yesterday here at Lake Atitlan. 

I am the Earth singing to you

And always remember… you are loved beyond your wildest imagination ✨ 

Our Cosmic Birth and Trauma

Once we were swimming in the Ocean of Love -
Not yet conscious of ourselves

Feeling loved, safe and entirely at ease, 
Not knowing anything outside of this Love 

The Birth of our Soul felt like a tearing from Oneness
A separation from the Cosmic Womb
We were leaving Home 

Still connected to Oneness 
But also with the idea of separation and a sudden misunderstood individuality

A cosmic birth into a dark empty space, strange, vast and nameless,
Into the most magnificent 
Adventure that is Creation 

Some of us embarked on a long journey 
Through endless life times on Earth,
faraway galaxies or both 
Others new and shiny straight from Source
Off on a mission to help Earth and Humanity 

Leaving home created an original wound
Evoking feelings of loneliness and homesicknesses - Birthing pains - you know what I mean 

Every birth into Human form (especially) 
Re-creating the birth trauma 
In Ignorance we start our journey 
looking for acknowledgment and 
validation from the outside 

The Cosmic Birth trauma an opportunity,
A portal for healing 
Address the original wound and your cosmic loneliness 
By holding your newborn Cosmic Child in your arms 

Establish an inner foundation of safety and unconditional love for yourself
So you start remembering the ocean of love of which you are still a wave and also the entire ocean 
Home is within you

The Cosmic Birth of the undying Soul
Changes everything again for you and all others 
A significant moment in time 

You were then and always will be lovingly witnessed by Celestial Beings of the highest vibration 

Do not be afraid beloved Soul 
Journey on with trust 
You are not alone 
And you never will be 

Thank you for your contribution 
To this extraordinary experience - 
Experiment that is EARTH

You are loved beyond your wildest imagination and I am walking right by your side ⭐️

Writing inspired by “The Channelings of Jeshua” - Pamela Kribbe 

And for you to listen Family of Light:  
Song Remember
and Lui Diaz Podcast Remembering with Hamaima

Awaken the Chris within

Family of Light ✨

Christ Consciousness was seeded on Earth ca 2000 years ago through a Celestial Being that walked on this planet in human form. His name was Jeshua, part of a much larger consciousness, sent to Earth as a divine intervention, a kind of emergency measure from the spheres of light, that were deeply concerned with Earth. 

An intervention to remind every single one of us of our divine origin when we were and still partially are lost in the sea of ignorance.

The light that Jeshua brought triggered a lot of darkness. His teachings were misunderstood and manipulated. Some might say that this intervention was premature. However it was necessary to seed Christ Consciousness at exactly this point in time. 

Even for Jeshua the energy he was holding was at times so strong that his physical body was struggling. 

Does this sound familiar? Exactly! Ascension symptoms are the norm right now as we are in the midst of the 2nd Coming of Christ with every single one of you holding “his/her” Consciousness. 

The seeds have grown into beautiful plants as you are awakening the Christ within. Jeshua has returned and speaks through YOU with love, compassion and understanding beyond judgement, beyond duality, purely from a 3rd all-encompassing Consciousness that understands All as a manifestation of the Divine. 

During the many lifetimes that most of us had either here on Earth, stars, planets and galaxies we have gone through the whole spectrum of experiences as a victim, a perpetrator, someone who gives, someone who takes… all of this enabling us to hold Christ Consciousness. 

What we are experiencing right now on this planet is a counter reaction of the darkness to the light that is shining bright in all of us. 

The old structures or crumbling, old energies are fighting for survival and are showing their ugliest faces, the misuse of power is made so obvious that we cannot look away any longer. 

If this resonates with you then you surely are a Lightworker Soul and the purpose of your life is to bring “Heaven” to Earth. One day every single one of us will go back Home. But for now let’s enjoy this magnificent dance of creation, our beautiful planet and each other. 

When you are able to hold the consciousness of Oneness, Love, Gratitude, Presence, Grace and Joy in an environment that is still in transition from Ego -  to Heart Consciousness, then you are truly awakening the Christ within you and are helping others to do the same. 

It’s an honour to be “stationed” here with you. We got this!

You are not alone 
And always remember… you are loved beyond your wildest imagination ✨ 

A battle between the Good and the Bad? 🌎

A tidal wave of light of the highest vibrational frequencies is flooding this planet right now and according to the laws of duality that leads to a powerful reaction of the Darkness (in this instance I mean lower vibrational dense energies)

Both the Light and the Darkness have opposite interests:

Light confronts by releasing suppressed energies and breaking down old structures.

Darkness wants to oppress everything that is in its way and control it.

Both energies are natural opposites that depend on each other. When one of them gets stronger the other meets it to bring balance.

Although it might seem like the obvious solution it is NOT about transforming darkness into light.

But rather to create a consciousness that embraces the polarities with love and understanding - a unity consciousness that can exist in the presence of the Darkness as well as the presence of the Light.

Therefore entering a battle to fight Darkness, to fight the “Bad” would mean that we would walk alongside its own troops.

Let’s try to see the bigger picture that is the amazing spectacle of creation in all of its aspects and find peace in our hearts with it all.

And remember… We are and always will be loved beyond our wildest imagination ✨

Writing inspired by the Jeshua Channelings

What is the New Earth?

The New Earth describes a vibrational frequency that becomes more and more available to us. Gradually humans who are choosing to be part of the shift as well as planet Earth herself increase their vibration. Together with Earth as a multidimensional being we are shifting into the 5th dimension.

Changing the frequency puts a lot of pressure on old patterns and structures in and around us. The higher energies that are flooding the planet right now are squeezing denser matter, liberating and transforming the old so that lighter energies can emerge.

The diamonds are being polished so to say.

Some Humans find a way to resist this process and choose to remain in density. Often this comes with a tendency to numb themselves with substances, entertainment and destructive behaviour.

Afraid of being confronted with their own fears they choose to remain in the “false comfort” of the old and additionally to that judge those who try something different and change the way they live their lives.

This judgement of course also stems from fear, so let’s have compassion for each other.

The New Earth is an energy that is available, but not accessible for everyone right now. There will always be an open invite for everyone to join however.

Once we shifted entirely into the 5th dimension we will experience peace and beauty. We will live in communities that are loving and supportive, where everyone contributes with their unique gifts and skills. We will live in harmony with our Mother Earth and give back to her for what we take. At some point we will be able to nourish ourselves solely through light. We will treat our animals as equals and treasure their presence.

Healers will no longer be required as we will have dealt with our traumas. Karma will be a thing of the past. We will live peacefully and joyfully in conscious partnerships and will educate our children in a way that is most supportive to them.

We will evolve into beings of light without form. But this will be further down the line. In the meantime we have the incredible gift of living together as higher vibrational beings, that enjoy physical contact and material expression.

We all have moments like this already when we are amongst like minded souls. But there are times when we get pulled back into the old energies. Maybe we encounter someone or a group of people with lower energy, maybe it comes to a confrontation even.

We might get exposed to manipulative information through the media.

Possibly this makes as question what we believe in, we might falter in our hope and positive outlook. I invite you to regard these moments as valuable lessons as they will make it easier to understand and be compassionate towards those who are afraid to let go of the old.

We still have the chance to nudge those who are open to a different reality into the direction of the New Earth.

Don’t however spend too much energy on the ones that are stuck deeply in their old ways as they have signed up to study density for a little longer. It will be their time one day as well…

For now focus on yourself and your own energetic field. Make it your mission to raise your vibration through every thought, word and action. Observe yourself carefully and stop judging yourself.

The New Earth is created as we speak through every single one of us. What does not yet feel in alignment on the outside is out of balance within yourself.

Hold a clear vision of how you would like the New Earth to look like and so it shall be. Prepare yourself to be amazed!

“Stop criticising men….”

This statement truly reached my heart .

Made by a beautiful man, my friend Mazen, who spoke to me on behalf of the Masculine. With these words I strongly felt the pain, the exhaustion, the pleading, the wish to soften, to be seen, to be loved.

Men have been fighting forever he said….

Fighting in wars, fighting for the love of their fathers, fighting to accomplish something and to fulfill expectations. They are tired, so very tired. The Masculine is ready to soften, but it is often met with criticism and harshness. Pain and trauma that the feminine has experienced by the hand of men is projected onto the Masculine in general. Sometimes very direct and other times in an unconscious way.

I received these words and had to pause to take in the energy behind them. I finally got it and was able to see and hear the masculine in their vulnerability.

Whilst I was with my husband I took the role (at least in my mind) of a spiritual midwife. He however never asked me for that.

At some point our paths were no longer aligned and we separated amicably.

In the last 4 years since we separated I have often found myself state that “I did not want to midwife another man”, that most men or the masculine itself “are not quite there yet”

When meeting men I would soon find something that would be unacceptable for me.

This all being a defence mechanism out of fear of having to deal with another disappointment and ultimately a broken heart.

So it seemed much easier to create the reality that there are hardly any men who would “fit the criteria” And then of course there weren’t any. What a surprise (-;

Anyway much more important than focusing on romantic relationships is to look at the men, that are already in my life. My amazing male friends. Just thinking of them melts my heart. You know who you are - Thank you.

So, I am setting a strong intention to celebrate the Masculine for showing up, to soften towards men so they feel safe to open their heart. May we see eye to eye with neither one feeling superior.

I honour and recognise my own inner masculine that doesn’t quite know what to do with itself to be fair. (Just realised this now)

And with that I honour those men who feel lost right now, letting them know that they are in the middle of a birthing process and that there will be those who will walk by their side to support this new expression of the masculine.

Sisters, I am calling for all of us to lay down the weapons of blame, disappointment, resentment, rage and fury and recognise that our true strength lies in the grace of unconditional love 🤍

The Dark Arts - When Healers abuse their power

It gives me great concern when I hear of healers, teachers, energy workers etc. who manipulate energies in order to gain something from those who come seeking help.

We have all heard stories or were at the receiving end of situations like this, some of them for sure very traumatic.

Working with energies, let’s call it using magic, is powerful and can be used for the highest good as well as to do harm.

Power has compromised many. The healing profession is no exception. There are Shamans, Gurus and Teachers that are misusing their position and take advantage of those in need.

We all possibly had a taste of this, where we might have taken advantage of a position of power or were on the receiving end of it.

It is helpful to have been in these situations so we can study them, get to know the shadow and can be more cautious around these energies in the future.

Remember that we are all connected and that those who are misusing their power are also a part of us. The way to bring these distorted energies back into balance is to be honest and transparent with ourselves, to share when we learn about bad practice and hold each other accountable.

Choosing to work for the light only and let darker energies transform in it, is the only way. Find and focus on the Beings in your lives, that hold the high vibration of love.

You will know who they are because you will feel uplifted and strong simply by being in their presence.

I pray that you will find yourself in safe healing spaces and with those who only have your best interest at heart ✨

Yawanawa Dieta - First reflections

A few days after returning from visiting the Yawanawa tribe for 6 1/2 weeks in the Brazilian Amazon I feel to share a little bit with you.

I started my stay in the Yawanawa territory in Acre close to Mutum at Centro Awanawa with a 7 day retreat to learn more about the culture and tradition of the tribe.

It was magical to be part of their family for a little while and beautiful to see how much effort was put in creating the space and holding the ceremonies. Sometimes we had possibly up to 30 people there from the village supporting us, singing for and dancing with us.

Many of the younger people are studying with Hushahu, Matsini, Rasu and others and especially after this tradition was almost lost at some point with only around 90 of this tribe left, it is great to see how strongly everyone is showing up now and how many are touched by the spirituality of the Yawanawa.

After the retreat I entered, together with a group of 20 souls from all over the world, a 30 day Seya (dieta).

The dieta was opened in a ceremony with the Paje praying into a cup of medicine mixed with Kaisuma, which is a sacred drink made from a local potato variety. After drinking this we were not to drink water for one month, only kaisuma, not more than one litre a day. Tea was available if necessary after one week. The food was limited especially in the first few days/ week.

A dieta is a time to go inward, connect, study, a time of sacrificing that what gives us comfort and staying away from things that distract us.

With opening the diet and during the first month a seed is sown within us. And often we learn about the benefits of a dieta afterwards, when the seedling breaks through the soil, the plant starts to grow and bears leaves and flowers.

Considering this, it’s early on in the process, but I am feeling moved to share a little now and I am sure more will come.

First of all I would like to express my gratitude for the main space holders Hushahu, Matsini and Rasu for all of the teachings, for the opportunity to study the Saitis (their sacred songs) and the spirituality of the Yawanawa people.

Also a big thank you to the magnificent forest and its sacred medicines.


Everything is a microcosm of the macrocosm and what was amplified for me was that I am struggling in groups.

At heart I am a hermit and I need a lot of time for myself. I know the importance of gathering my own energy and being in my field.

Often that leads me to withdrawing from groups. I observe little subgroups forming and people hanging out and I feel that I don’t quite fit anywhere. I find myself on the outside, which brings up feelings of not belonging and loneliness. Slightly paradoxical because I often choose not to engage.

I have shared before with you that I have struggled my whole life with loneliness. I believe this is connected to me being a 2nd was volunteer according to Dolores Cannon’s theory of “The three waves of volunteers”

This energy came through strongly for me.

Also, after having lost my father and my brother within one year all I wanted was to be with my family, to be there for them (I thought), but really my heart was yearning for them to be there for me…

I feel that I am currently completing a 7 year cycle, starting with leaving London at the end of 2015 to teach at a retreat centre in Sri Lanka. After that I have more or less lived a nomadic life style, have studied different traditions, supported many sacred spaces, shared my own work in a lot of ways as well. It has been a time of expansion, learning, experiencing and it has been truly magical.

This fire however, this drive that has sent me all around the world is burning very low right now and actually all I want is to spend more time in Europe and hopefully towards the end of the year arrive somewhere I can call home.

So you can imagine with all of that going on, being in a hut in the jungle feeling disconnected was a little challenging.

Another struggle was my health, though actually better than expected after experiencing the after effects of Covid over 4 months before I started this journey. However I definitely lacked in energy and many ceremonies were spent with me feeling dizzy. So there was a little less dancing than I had hoped for…

An interesting observation was that as a facilitator I find it challenging to be a participant especially over a long period of time. I generally get a lot of energy and enjoyment from serving and offering support to others. Without this I disappear into a shell and find myself in a disempowered place, which of course is something to look at for me.

Lastly studying the Saitis and having to present them to the teacher brought up a lot around fear of failure, not being good enough, stress around having to perform.

And of course that’s strongly connected with “looking up to teachers”, putting them on pedestals and so on, which has always been something that I have to be aware of.

So as you can see there is a lot still that will take time to settle. At the moment I don’t feel very empowered, but I am sure this will come once my body managed to re-balance itself, my energy is more centred and my spirit has caught up again.

Saying all of this I am grateful for the experience and I am looking forward to harvesting the fruits of this work.

Thank you for being part of my journey.

Muito obrigada

Viva Yawanawa 🐍


From today I am officially divorced.

Just over 4 years ago my ex-husband Kris Lander and I went our separate ways.

Interestingly the divorce date coincides with the day I was meant to leave Guatemala for Brazil. But the Universe had different plans and I missed my flight this morning.

So now I am in a hotel near the airport in Guatemala City and have a day that feels like a day out of time. And I realise I need this day to process the termination of the contract that we made on 20.10.2012.

Although we had a ceremony to cut the ties and release each other some time ago, at least for me this formal contract and promise that we spoke all these years ago still had a strong effect and influence.

I love deeply and I am very loyal. And the idea of diving into a new relationship has scared me. The very few men that I let “kind of” in (really only one) over the last 4 years were not candidates for a strong bond and committed partnership.

However I feel that leaving Guatemala (hopefully tomorrow) for a new phase in my life and the divorce finally coming through will lead to an opening, a coming home and a calling in, which I am excited about.

Kris, thank you for all those beautiful years as my husband and now as my friend. I do still miss you, but I am very happy that you and Carolina have found each other. All my blessings for you two.

And finally I feel that I am ready to invite a beautiful Beloved (yes, I have made a list….) into my life, so we can go on double dates… (-;

I love you. Always your Hippie ❤️

Message from Mother Earth ⭐️

I am Mother Earth and I am a Multidimensional Being currently in the process of shifting into a higher dimension.

You are part of me and you came here on an assignment to support me with this transition. Whilst I am going through change, you are doing the same as an individual and in the collective.

Layers after layers are uncovered as we speak.

You are the ones who receive and anchor higher frequencies here and are the catalyst for our Change.

That means that suppressed energies that have been hidden are now being unearthed and times here on this planet seem chaotic, your lives might be unsettled and old structures are crumbling - a necessary cosmic purge.

But know that my transition is almost complete and so is yours. So please don’t look back, be here now with the energies that are present in this moment.

A completed shift does not mean that old heavy energies will have disappeared.

War, struggle, dysfunction will continue for a while, but in a dimension that you won’t be part of or have access to anymore.

But only…. if you chose not to be part of it.

I want to remind you of your own free will. Make use of it. There are many who talk about dark forces trying to take control of Earth and this might be so. But please don’t make this your reality as you will end up in fear and contraction of energy meaning you actually feed those darker forces.

Please stay present dear child and grow your roots deep into my core. You have come here to experience duality and through that create a new all encompassing consciousness.

There are those who chose to remain in the old and there is no judgement towards them. Their soul has chosen a different path.

And that is why I invite you All to join me on this adventure that is the New Era…. with love and care one step at the time. Abundant guidance for this shift is here for you if you open yourself to it.

Thank you for your presence. I love you ⭐️

Times of Change 🐍

I have been in a phase of change for the last few months and I am grateful for all the forces that are working together to lead me into a new direction.

I feel myself energetically withdrawing from a place that I have called home for some years now, which has been challenging.

I know that many of you are experiencing times of change as well.

So much is involved in transitions, a lot of letting go is required, there is the fear of losing something, the fear of the unknown, what if the new ideas are not working out, what if I change my mind again…

Sometimes we hold on to the old, because it has been serving us well for a period of time and we don’t want to admit that what we need now is different.

It is possible that we identify with the old version of ourselves up to a point where even the painful and disempowered circumstances may be hard to let go of. So much so that we find ourselves attached to the pain or addicted to the drama.

There is a saying that goes a bit like this:

If you are used to chaos, peace can be unsettling. (Thanks James Roland Jayaji for sharing this with us)

What is asked for in these times of the “new wanting to come in”, is to observe ourselves when we fall back into old patterns leading to a contraction of our energy.

Behind every “holding on” is the energy of fear. Be compassionate with the part of you that is in fear and let this compassionate You guide yourself gently into the new direction of expansion.

Not everyone close to you will understand the steps that you take, so don’t expect them to.

They will come around…

Know that you’ve got this!

It might not all turn out how you have imagined it, but it will certainly be perfect.

A big Yihuuuuuuu!!!! to change and the magic that awaits us ⭐️

New Beginnings ✨

Family of Light ✨

One step at the time….

This is a little reminder not to set yourself up for failure. Take little steps and know that a new start is always an option in each and every moment.

Falling off the wagon or losing our way is part of the journey. If this happens try not to judge yourself, but rather find love for the part of you, that has fallen back into old patterns , hold yourself in this and know there is always another chance.

Have compassion with yourself and celebrate your little successes rather than focusing on the “failures”

And if you feel stuck right now and can’t imagine how to get out of it, know that this too shall pass.

Surrender to the stuckness and embrace the standstill. Resistance will only cause you to sink deeper into the mud. If you can relax into this “not knowing what is next”, then things will start to shift as if by magic.

Make peace with your supposed “wrongdoings” of the last year. Find forgiveness for yourself. If you hurt another then it is never too late to make amends. We hurt others out of our own pain and they will understand that on one level, although not necessarily on the human level.

Take little steps with awareness and grace and you will find that you are actually taking big leaps.

Be patient dearest One and treat yourself with great care. We have all been through a lot. Gently we are treading on this New Earth, figuring out who we are in this new dimension and honouring who walks by our side.

We are emerging, finding our feet, discovering our wings and speaking our truth.

We are the Family of Light ✨

Integrating Medicine Journeys ⭐️

After having shared my traumatic experience that I had in the Amazon with you I received many messages and questions regarding integration.

Unfortunately there is little emphasis on integration in most medicine spaces and people are often left ungrounded, lost and fragmented.

Especially when we had a difficult experience at the start of our medicine path we might not know how to feel about it all afterwards. Should we ask for help? Will we ever be “normal” again? Have we embarrassed ourselves?

These are the questions one might have.

For some people the lack of help with integration can lead to them never entering a medicine space again, which is unfortunate.

After big experiences we can feel fragile and hyper-sensitive and open to all kinds of energies. So it is very important that we don’t expose ourselves to big crowds and noisy environments straight afterwards and it’s advised to avoid challenging and confrontational situations if possible.

Sometimes our body feels like we have been in a battle and energetically we might have been (especially when the space holding was poor), then even more self care is required. Take sufficient rest, be very gentle with yourself and listen to your body, eat good, healthy food and drink a lot of water. Surround yourself with people who can hold space for you and can “let you be” until your are ready to share. Find a body worker who you trust and receive loving touch, helping you to recalibrate.

A lot can move and be shaken up in a ceremony so make sure you give it time to settle again, as the new YOU will still be unsteady on their feet.    

You might have had some uncomfortable revelations, something that you did not want to see before or admit to yourself is now undeniable. If that’s the case be compassionate with yourself, forgive and know that there was a reason why you could not own this truth before. Be grateful for what was revealed to you and take small steps towards making amendments or having those conversations that you have avoided before.

Your heart will be wide open, which can be scary for your mind and also your Ego. Try to watch your thoughts and the feelings behind them and when negativity and worry come in acknowledge this for a moment, without identifying yourself with this energy. It is important that you can hold yourself lovingly in this space with acceptance until these feelings dissolve. A few big breaths will help you to “land back’ in your heart.

Old stories will want to get your attention and maybe this time you can see them as such, the “old stories” of disempowerment and unworthiness. This is your opportunity to explore why you have created these stories in the first place and to write new empowered ones.

If you feel you are not yourself after the ceremony, you haven’t landed, something is missing, then possibly parts of your soul have not arrived back and were left in other dimensions.

This will need some expert help. Please ask the facilitator and if they are not available or you don’t trust them, then ask for recommendations from the community. We have all been in difficult spaces and had to ask for help. Also remember, there is never anything to be embarrassed about.

Big medicine journeys, especially for those who are generally ungrounded, can lead to a feeling of not belonging here. Know that there is a reason why you have a physical body in this life time. For now we still need you here and most importantly we need you to be in your body.

There is a yearning to go back to source which many of us know, but please remember that you ARE spirit, an eternal soul, this life time is merely a blink of an eye, and being in a body right now is a privilege. When you enter medicine spaces please know that what comes trough is asking to be embodied, so you can fully arrive in your current incarnation.

A ceremony is only the start of walking your path with direction in a more sacred and humble way. To integrate it is highly recommended to have a regular spiritual practice, which can be yoga, meditation, shamanic journeying, nature walks, creative writing, music... Whatever brings you into a place of joy, presence and gratitude is wonderful.

Invite more sacredness, more ceremony into your life, starting with creating an altar in your home. Place a beautiful piece of fabric on a surface, add a candle, possibly items that represent each of the elements, pictures of your ancestors, deities that you resonate with and sacred items that you collected.

Additionally to your individual practice it is recommended to connect with your tribe on a regular basis.

And please communicate. Tell us about spaces that you feel are not held well, let us know what you need.

No one should be left after a ceremony feeling anxious and disconnected. This can be part of the process, but help should be offered to resolve this.

Medicines are magical , but this path is not to be underestimated.

Let’s hold each other accountable so we all have better experiences. Thank you for reading ⭐️

Our Ancestors 🦉

How many of you have walked before us

And how few do we remember

There are those who we think of fondly

They brought great joy, health and abundance to the family

Others caused dysfunction, mental health issues, poverty and suffering

And are thought of with distain or not at all

Lastly there are those who were forgotten

All of our ancestors’ lives however

are worth and important to be remembered

As without every single one of them

We would not be here

in this particular expression of our soul

You carry a little piece of all of them

And you are walking in their footsteps

Whilst they are lovingly watching

The process of healing ancestral trauma

Right now more energetically supported than ever

Having entered the light of understanding

With their passing

Your ancestors are now sharing their presence, wisdom and prayers with you

Asking you to let go of blame, shame, guilt and resentment

To release these energies that disempower you and have broken your ancestral lines

Forgiveness is the key for healing

Empathy and compassion a potent salve for the broken links

Healing those wounds to not be brought forward

to future generations anymore

So the chain can be mended, be strong

And support you in living those big life stories

Remembrance of all members of your family is what is called for to create harmony

The forgotten Ones, the once who were abandoned

The lost ones, the aborted ones

No matter how long or how little a soul

was in a physical body here on Earth

They are an essential link of your ancestral line

Let them know that they are loved

That you think of and talk about them

That they are and always will be part of your family

Then imagine a golden chain that links you

to every member of your family

A conduit for life force energy

fully supporting your current incarnation

The Owl (Keme) is who represents the ancestors for the Mayan people

The wise messenger of the Underworld

A symbol for death and rebirth

This is strong medicine asking

for your respect and reverence

Our Ancestors love it when we gather especially around a sacred fire

To pray, sing, dance and remember who we are and where we came from

Know that they always walk by our side

eager to assist our healing

Grandmother I honour you

your water is my blood

Every day and every night

I give thanks for your love

Grandfather I honour you

Your spirit is my guide

Every day and every night

I give thanks for my life

We are our ancestors prayers

And in sharing our gifts

Standing fully in our power

In the spirit of reciprocity

We can give back to them

with love and gratitude in our hearts

Thank you ⭐️

Unsafe Plant Medicine Spaces

Three years ago I travelled to Tarapoto in the Peruvian Amazon to deepen my study with Ayahuasca.

At that point I had years of experience with this medicine, some of it in the jungle.

The centre I visited was and I believe still is run by a couple, a man and a woman, who are both not Peruvian. I was the only guest there and after conversations with the facilitators I can’t say that I felt a strong connection or a particularly caring energy from either of them.

One thing I was told for example was that the facilitators drink the same amount of medicine as the participants, which means that they might not be able to help when help is needed. What…?

On the day of the first ceremony I told the female facilitator that I had drawn a card in the morning and it was the Serpent.

When she asked me what it meant for me I replied: the shedding of skins, transformation, re-birth, creativity.

Her opinion about of the serpent however was: confusion, disillusion and despair. Slightly unsettling…

That night I had my first ceremony and I was given a big cup of highly concentrated ayahuasca. Despite my concern I drank it all.

After that I remember possibly 20 min of the journey.

6 hours later I came back to consciousness and realised that I lay on the concrete floor, 10 meters away from my mat.

I was drenched in sweat, had released myself (in all ways imaginable) and I was in a lot of pain…

The first thing I heard was:

Go and wash. I tried to get up, but wasn’t able to. No help was offered.

I finally made it to the bathroom and showered, went to my room and this was when I properly looked at myself.

I had black bruises all over my body. My knees and ankles had swollen to 3 times their size. I had big bumps on my head.

I was on my own with no one to check on me and I got scared about possible head injuries etc.

I took photos of myself and send them to friends, who are also space holders. They all told me to leave the centre asap as I was not safe there. I decided to book a flight as soon as I could and then finally managed to sleep.

The next day late afternoon they came to check on me. When I said that this shouldn’t have happened and showed them my injuries they got defensive and told me:

You come here with your feathers in your hat, with your spiritual fashion. You have no idea what energies you are playing with.

It’s all about image with you.

When I enquired what happened I was told I had been thrashing on the floor for hours screaming. They said they checked with spirit what to do and were told to leave me and not to intervene. And that’s what they did, knowing that it was a big risk to take.

I was also informed that I was possessed and it would be dangerous for me to leave.

I should go back to the same space with the medicine, but try to stay conscious this time. That was however the last thing I wanted to do.

It took me two days to get myself back together, until I was able to walk again and I finally managed to leave knowing that I had also left a part of my soul there in the jungle.

I haven’t written about this before, because for some reason I did not want to expose them as I thought this might have been a one off mistake…

But after talking about this experience to many people I was encouraged to share, or better I was told it was my responsibility.

If you want to know the name of the centre please message me directly.

There is a second part to this story which involves a real serpent, owned by a dear friend of mine, who sacrificed herself for me in that same night.

When my friend told me about this, I knew that I had only just escaped with my life. It took some time to heal this trauma.

I since have reclaimed the part of my soul and I can also see the blessing in this journey. After having visited the darkest depths of the underworld, I now have the ability to hold a lot of light.

Saying that I don’t wish this experience on anyone. Please be aware that there are many unsafe spaces in the medicine world. It is such a big business these days and there are those who take advantage of people who don’t know better and are seeking healing.

Please always do your own research.

There should be a thorough screening process before the ceremony.

If that’s not happening then be cautious.

My prayer for you is that you find safe spaces to experience Mother Earth’s magical medicines so they can bring the healing that they are intended to bring.

And lastly a big thank you to all the space holders that work in full integrity, with care and purity in their hearts 🙏

The entire Universe is watching ⭐️

This Life is short lived…

In the grand scheme of things

Yet we have high expectations

On ourselves and others

And that is fair

Seeing that this is the life

We are experiencing right now

With our tender hearts

We lovingly chose our soul’s task

And those who would assist us with this mission

Our parents, teachers, partners

How it would all pan out however

That remained a mystery

Arriving here on this planet

Possibly after numerous live times

Some bring great knowledge and light

The old and at times exhausted souls carry traumas and burdens

Karma they say is an outdated concept

Not belonging to the New Earth

But there is Karma to be released

if you believe it is so

This is your choice

There are those souls that have raised their hand as volunteers

Shiny souls directly from source

Or with life times lived in other galaxies

New to Earth and here to help

All souls have in common however

that they forget their mission on arrival

This is how it has to be they say

Remembering is the key

This life is short lived

But your spirit is eternal

With no beginning and no end

This life you might say has not much of a significance then

But I tell you this one is probably the most important one to live

For the first time in the history of the Universe

The Earth is shifting into a Higher Dimension

And we are invited to be part of this shift

Some will remain in the density of the Old

And that’s is ok - Free will is how this works

What is required of you now is to LET GO

Of the past

Of the traumas and the pain

Forgive and thank those tough teachers

For helping you grow

Look ahead and see the beauty that is unfolding if you dare to open up your eyes

We invite you to fully love again

So you can make enlightened choices

You are the creator of the New Earth

Whilst the entire Universe is watching ✨

Photo by Tamara Josephine

Teachers and Pedestals 🪶

I have always felt very fortunate about having access to wonderful teachers from many different traditions all over the world.

And there are many of us who join one training after the other, collect certificates, get initiated, put ourselves through trials and tribulations as part of a never ending quest for awakening.

There will always be something new to learn, someone new to look up to, something to dive into even deeper. We can get enchanted by a person, who carries a certain tradition or represents a lineage due to the power that is transmitted through them.

However the fact that someone sits in front of a group to teach and possibly share medicines does not mean that they have everything figured out for themselves, but we tend to expect them to. This can lead to us feeling let down and possibly even betrayed by our teachers.

But is this not unfair towards them? We have projected onto them our desires to learn from a Saint, forgetting that our teachers are also Humans after all with more or less egoic behaviours.

By putting anyone on a pedestal we are setting them up to fall off it.

Many Gurus and Teachers have fallen over the years and with that they have possibly given us the greatest teaching:

Don’t look for leaders outside of yourselves.

Be grateful for what others share with you, take on what resonates and give to the earth what doesn’t.

Nothing belongs to anyone, all comes from Spirit and although there are different interpretations and applications, the origin is always the same.

Everyone one of us has wisdom to share. So let’s share with respect, humility and care what we have learned and integrated in our Being.

Remember it’s not about preaching or telling people what to do. It is about a vibration that we bring into the world, a vibration of compassion and inner peace, which we can only hold once we have addressed our own darkest parts.

This will be visible in our eyes, in the way we speak or listen to others. There is a space of safety and friendliness around us, so everyone feels accepted around us and is encouraged to see themselves. We are the teachers of the New Era. And at the end of the day:

“We are all just walking each other home”

- Ram Dass

Exhausted by it all beautiful Soul….?

Remember that at the moment we have one foot in the Old Earth and one foot in the New Earth. Some days we may be very much caught up in the old structures and energies of struggle, fear and control.

Whereas on other days we are floating in the new energies of love, grace, flow and unity.

The perceived polarities are stretching our resilience and testing our faith.

The Universe is asking us to stay in our hearts and to keep our vision for the New Earth strong whilst we are still very much aware of the old - this divine dance can of course be exhausting.

The old energies won’t suddenly disappear and there will be many souls who are choosing to continue on this journey for now until they decide to have a different experience. Make peace with their choice.

There is a desire in many of us for the new energies to reveal themselves more clearly. Remember that Magic is all around us if we are open to it. We don’t have to wait, but simply receive.

We carry the desire for ease and a longing to live from joy and deep inspiration and at the same time we understand trauma and pain. This awareness is beautiful as it makes us a bridge between the new and the old.

Let’s stay faithful to ourselves and the parts in us that are still suffering as they are reflecting the struggle of the Collective. Take those parts into your loving embrace as an act of self-love and compassion, creating a fertile ground for the new energies to grow and flourish.

You are a Child of the Universe, a Child of the New Era, you are the Bridge-Builder, the Change-Maker, the Alchemist.

Trust your heart will be your guiding light 🌟

Heaven on Earth ⭐️

“Thinking of hell on Earth will bring it just as surely as going out and building it by the sweat of your brow” - Dolores Cannon

Your thought energy is powerful enough to make anything happen. We get bombarded by the old systems with stories of war and suffering in order to manipulate our mental energies. I am not ignorant of challenging scenarios that are happening right now, but remember that what One experiences is what their soul chose to experience in this life time.

That does not mean that we can’t have compassion, offer help and support where we can. But if you make fear and struggle your story line and get lost in the drama of it all, then you will lower your energy to a point where you won’t be able to express and embody your unique frequency- the very reason you came to this planet.

Your purpose is to be a beacon of light and a pillar for those who are lost and are in need of stability and guidance.

So let’s bring in fresh energy that has not been contaminated with fear. Find those who activate and anchor you through their presence, who carry energies, which are the foundation of the new Earth. Find those who ignite your fire and enable you to receive upgrades, light codes and blessings from the Star nations. Our DNA is being upgraded right now and sometimes this re- wiring process can lead to unexplained physical, mental and emotional symptoms whilst our bodies take time to adjust.

So be patient and trust.

During this transition period on our planet there will be wars, there will be deaths, sickness and struggle, and this is all part of the process. Look at it as a cosmic purge as well as a beautiful teaching for us to not be swayed from our path, no matter what.

Many souls are returning home in these times, and there will be those who chose to stay in the denser energies of the old earth to resolve their karma. Everyone has free choice and not one choice is better than the other.

I pray for us that we will focus our thoughts and intentions on creating paradise and not hell here on Earth and that we will make more empowered loving choices in each and every moment supported by a loving tribe that holds us in the moments of doubt.

Thank you for being here ❤️